In Florida, misinformation in the Spanish language misleads election claims

MIAMI – As Payne Biden is close to winning only in Jocelynia and Georgia, the Spanish language ambiguity is intensifying among those claiming fraud and rigged elections in Florida Latinos.

A well-known former candidate for state office in Florida posted an impressive video of the Spanish on Facebook and fueled the baseless claim that the election was being rigged by President Donald Trump. The video has since been re-posted on Twitter, where it has been viewed more than 116,000 times in the past two days.

The man said, “You have the historic power to destroy the communists in the election department.” It’s time to take to the streets to defend Trump.

A new wave of false claims has surfaced after Democrats raised alarm bells in Florida about the Spanish-language misinformation spread among Latino voters. And while researchers say election day has passed without evidence of English-language misinformation on social media, they warn that the coming days and weeks will be challenging.

On Friday morning, a photo of a doctor in a popular app and WhatsApp group in Latinos, Florida, was passing by, showing Biden leaning uneasily behind the former president of Venezuela’s National Electoral Commission, who himself accused the South of electoral fraud. American country. U.S. image on WhatsApp His image has been used in various Spanish-language misinformation memos about the outcome of the election.

Content posted on WhatsApp tsp can only be seen by members of the group in which it posts, making it impossible to predict the spread of ambiguity on the app, which often revolves around large, closed groups with little observation.

Misleading, false and conspiratorial claims spread in Spanish about the election results can be easily seen on Facebook, Twitter and YouTube, despite conspiracy theories and policies of all three companies that prohibit or prohibit the spread of election-related misinformation. According to researchers interviewed by NBC News, the policies have been applied with greater relevance to content posted in English.

Growing Spanish language imperfections

Flavia Colangelo, a researcher at GQR, a Democratic research firm that advises on the Spanish language disintegration campaign, said she is concerned about what she is seeing in Spanish on social media platforms.

“Facebook and YouTube have taken steps to remove quenan content in English from their platforms, but there is still a large amount available in Spanish and it is easily accessible,” he said.

Andrea Valone, a spokeswoman for Facebook, told NBC News that the company has several fact-checking partners reviewing Spanish posts on Facebook and Instagram, enforcing the company’s policies against misleading and hateful information. The company is actively applying labels to posts in English and Spanish discussing elections, connecting users to the Voter Information Center, which Facebook translates into Spanish.

WhatsApp, which is owned by Facebook, also has a new feature that allows users to search the web about what is being discussed in their chats, Valone said, adding that this could help prevent the spread of misinformation.

Some of the discrepancies spread on Facebook, WhatsApp, Twitter and YouTube create similarities between Biden and Latin American socialist countries, while other posts are mimicking conspiracy theories in English in conservative online conservative circles.

A spokesman for YouTube, Alex Joseph, said the company had policies against misinformation on how to vote but did not ban content that could lead to misinformation about the outcome of the election.

“It is permitted under our policy to express an opinion on the outcome of the current policy or on the counting process,” Joseph said. Joseph said. “Our policies are global, and we apply them consistently across all languages ​​and regions.”

In mid-October, YouTube expanded its policies against hate and harassment ahead of the U.S. election, including bans on conspiracy theory videos, including videos on massively popular and false conspiracies about Quinn and “Pizzagate.” That ban, however, extends only to videos that conspire to target a specific group or individual that has been used to justify real-world violence. Followers of both Quennon and “Pizagate” have been accused of several violent crimes in recent years, including murder.

Spanish-language YouTube accounts or themes related to various conspiracy theories in the past, including George Soros accusing the U.S. of funding immigration, are now also focused on the U.S. election results. Many of these videos claim that Biden is linked to socialism and the question is whether the vote count was rigged.

Twitter is also the center of Spanish-language ambiguity around election results, according to researchers and posts seen by NBC News.

Another viral conspiracy without any grounding in the fact that it has migrated from Twitter to WhatsApp tsp calls into question the legitimacy of printed ballet in some states. It also claims that Trump will send national guards to conduct secondary checks on all ballots in the battlefield states, according to Twitter posts shared in major WhatsApp groups and obtained by NBC News.

Twitter spokesman Trenton Kennedy told NBC News that the company has a team that includes U.S. Election observation material has been worked on in several languages, including Spanish.

“We will apply and maintain our rules impartially to protect the integrity of the communication surrounding this election,” Kennedy said.

False claims of the President in Spanish

Many false claims exaggerate or exaggerate the messages that come directly from Trump’s public statements about election fraud. Both Twitter and Facebook have actively applied various labels to Trump’s posts that violate his election-related misinformation policies.

The presidential campaign said in a statement on Friday morning, “We are confident that we will have a fair ballot in Georgia by taking the vote count process.”

The statement also said, “There were many irregularities in Pennsylvania, including the presence of election officials preventing our volunteer legal observers from gaining meaningful access to polling stations.”

The same themes are popping up on viral Twitter posts, in WhatsApp groups, on Facebook and on YouTube channels in Spanish.

During a live broadcast of a popular analytics program on YouTube with nearly half a million subscribers, the host began the show by questioning whether the election had been rigged. She also said she is “suspicious” that in one state, Biden’s numbers are steadily rising, while Trump’s numbers are similar.

“Game with fire”

In response, Trump supporters in Miami are gathering outside the popular Cuban restaurant La Carreta to rally around futile claims of election fraud, which they are sharing with the hashtag #ShopTheBidenSteal. The protest has been peaceful.

Democratic strategist Evelyn Perez Verdia, who oversees the dissolution of the Spanish language, said Trump is provoking anger among his supporters and is reflected in the dissolution passing around.

“Trump and his campaign are playing with fire, they are playing with emotions. At their heart, they feel they are defending democracy, so it is very dangerous and it is coming from the mouth of the President and his campaign. “

Part of what ignites emotions in Florida is the huge population of Latinos, who come from countries with corrupt governments and live by fraudulent elections.

“They have created a lot of PTSDs,” Perez Vardia said, adding that people feel dissatisfied that they are being deceived after experiencing the collapse of democracy in their own country.

G.Q.R. Researcher Kolangelo fears confusion and uncertainty over the election results as he builds a full breeding ground for the disinformation narrative to grow.

“When it comes to our democratic process, there is nothing more important than ensuring trust in our systems,” Colangelo said, “which is why our social media platforms need to act swiftly to overcome Spanish-language antagonism.”

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