Ilhan Omar’s primary race is called off because Dem challenger claims her campaign ‘falls apart’

Rep. Ilhan Omar, D-Minn., Faces a smarter than expected primary, with a better-funded challenger claiming that Omar’s campaign is “falling apart.”

Omar quickly became a national political star – and the source of significant controversy – since winning her 5th District seat in 2018.

One of the first Muslim women (along with Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich.) To be elected to Congress, Omar is a key member of the influential left-wing group of female representatives known as the “Squad.”


As one of the most vocal progressives in the House, she has feuded with President Trump and made a series of controversial statements, including about Israel, which have drawn rumors and accusations of anti-Semitism.

Ahead of the Democratic primary on August 11, Omar faces a strong challenge from lawyer Antone Melton-Meaux, who has raised more money and accused her of focusing on her national profile instead of her constituencies.

“She’s been ineffective in Washington because she’s divided, and she’s focused on her fame,” Melton-Meaux told The Associated Press.

Omar has denied claims that she ignored her constituents: “I show up not only in the district, but in Congress to fight for us, for our progressive values, and that is the consistency with which I do my job.”

Omar also faces questions about payments made to her husband’s firm, which reportedly received more than a million dollars from its campaign in the 2020 cycle. She was recently specifically asked about $ 600,000 raised in ‘ the first three weeks of July went to her husband’s business.

Fifth Candidate for Congressional District Democrat Antone Melton-Meaux answers questions during an interview in his Minneapolis office on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. (AP Photo / Jim Mone)

Fifth Candidate for Congressional District Democrat Antone Melton-Meaux answers questions during an interview in his Minneapolis office on Wednesday, July 22, 2020. (AP Photo / Jim Mone)

‘I do not pay my husband. I pay the company to do work and that [$600,000] is actually an example of that work, ”she said in a recent debate. “It was the first time we put up a TV ad, which is surprising to me, because that’s not something we’re used to in the 5th, and that money went into placing that ad and making sure we had digital ads. , to make sure we have literature sent to our constituencies because it’s an effort for us.

Melton-Meaux comes for questions of his own. WCCO reports that the Minnesota Democratic Farmer Labor (DFL) party recently filed a complaint alleging that it illegally concealed the identities of its campaign consultants and some of its contributions.


He called it “a desperate attempt by the DFL to rekindle the collapse of Congresswoman Omar’s campaign.”

Melton-Meaux was encouraged by a distinction by the Minneapolis Star Tribune. The paper praised him for bringing a “different sensibility” aimed at “building common ground.”

“Whether it’s health care, criminal justice or affordable housing, Melton-Meaux appears progressive but pragmatic,” the editors said. “While Omar wants to lead a movement, Melton-Meaux is trying to serve the Fifth District.”

The editors also lamented Omar’s “mistakes”, including her inflammatory remarks about Israel and her problems with campaign funding.

“It’s just these kinds of ethical distractions that the Fifth District could do without,” the Star Tribune continued. “In the editorial’s interview, Omar did not take much responsibility for her rocky start, instead blaming her critics in the first place and saying that she failed perhaps not to realize what a ‘special unicorn’ she was. would be in Congress. ‘

However, Omar is likely to avoid it, especially when they consider how easily their Squad staff have removed the primary challenges. In addition, a number of longtime centrist Democrats in recent primaries have been beaten by more radical challengers.

Omar’s campaign said in July that internal polling showed she had a 37-point lead over Melton-Meaux.

In a live-streamed “day of action” Sunday, rep said. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-NY, it was unusual to have such a well-funded primary in a very blue district like Omar’s. She said funders “usually like to get a slap for their money” and typically contribute to races that have the chance to tip a seat from one party to another.


“So if we’re the ones pulling multimillion-dollar primary challengers in an unusual way, it tells you just how effective Ilhan is,” she said.

“That tells you how damn effective she is against big real estate, against our military-industrial complex, against our Wall Street complex, against basically every corrupt institution we have in this country right now,” she said.

“And they come for each of us.”

Morgan Phillips, Joseph Wulfsohn and The Associated Press of Fox News contributed to this report.