Now when Apple Pal AAPL,
The first round of iPhones with 5G network connectivity has been unveiled, with some experts saying that the introduction is likely to increase customer updates.
But Rai Okendeo, who has had eight iPhones since 2008, may not be part of the crowd. Or, at least not until he’s back to traveling and taking photos to document his travels.
“I can buy a new iPhone 12 if I can make a new normal trip and not worry about the virus and put up pictures,” said Chanak, a 26-year-old Chicago resident.
‘If I can make a new normal trip and not worry about viruses and post pictures, I think I’ll buy a new iPhone.’
But things do not exist for a man working from home in the IT client services sector. “I can’t go out, and use as much,” he said.
Kendando usually travels at least four times a year, snapping shots of cool architecture or landscapes along the way. There has only been one September trip to Atlanta this year. He currently owns the iPhone 11, and he doesn’t see the iPhone 12 as a big departure.
In a recent consumer survey, market research firm Mintal Compremidia asked people to list all the reasons for buying technology since the onset of the epidemic.
The main reason (55%) was for extra money from stimulus checks or suddenly released money, for other things like travel or canceled holidays. The second reason (50%) was to improve productivity at home and the third (૨ out%) was extra money not going out, the survey said.
The lowest priced model of the iPhone 12 is the Dell $ 699 and the price of the two Pro models starts at ટ 999 and 1, 1,099. Two models will be in stores on October 23 and the other two models on November 13.
Okendo has friends who buy the latest smartphones powered by cassettes especially keeping the latest device. “I don’t think I need that recognition. I like my phone for its capabilities, ”he said.

During Milan Fashion Week on September 27, 2020 in Milan, a woman uses her smartphone outside the entrance to the Valentino Spring / Summer 2021 Women’s and Men’s Show.
AFP by Getty Images
The new iPhone arrives in seven months in an epidemic and related economic shockwave that is destroying many parts of everyday life, including the habit of spending. Sales of hand sanitizers, paper towels and toilet paper increased at one point. So made oat milk, dumbbells, yeast and vegetable seeds.
And selling smartphones? They went in the other direction. According to Jennifer Chan, global insights director at market research firm Kantar, American consumers bought 22 million smartphones in the fourth quarter of 2019, 21 million in the first quarter of 2020 and 20 million in the second quarter.
Although third-quarter sales volume numbers were not yet publicly available, Chan predicts an emergence. Consumers are beginning to understand more fully how consumers are impacting their spending, and are adjusting accordingly, he said.
Carriers, such as Verizon VZ
T-Mobile TMUS,
And AT&T,
The iPhone is offering 12-related promotions, which they hope will attract new customers and retain the old ones. The 5G network of carriers has a variety of combinations of the fastest, mid-ground and slowest versions, 5G Network observers said.
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But an open question for a consumer tech market expert is how many people, like Okendo, will stop buying, despite large carrier subsidies.
BJ Pitchman, research manager at Mintal Compremidia, said there is no question that there is now a huge demand for some consumer tech products for some entertainment value. He drew attention to things like the hot sale of the Xbox Series X from MicroS MSF MSFT,
And PlayStation 5 from Sony SNE,
But if there is an epidemic force driving the sale of the iPhone, Pitchman said it will happen because people believe they are not coming out enough to give the 5G network a whirlpool.
One way to see the network in action, for example, would be to stream the football game live from a packed stadium next to a 5G network cell tower – but that is likely to happen soon, he said.
Big picture
Okando is closing in on new smartphones at a time when the economy has recovered 11.4 million out of about 23 million; Meanwhile, the prospect for another stimulus – the financial lifeline – for some Americans is unclear.
That reference brings a kick to Okendo’s mind and his impulse weighs against the purchase, he says. “If I could afford to buy an iPhone now, would I feel a little guilty? Yes Kend Ndendo has donated about $ 1000 this year for a variety of reasons, a big jump from the 50 to 100 dollars he donated last year.
Apple’s iPhone 12 faces headwinds – but not many, according to Tom Forte, a senior research analyst at DA Davidson & Co., an investor advisory firm.
“I think the real challenge is managing customer expectations, given that 5G is not ready for prime time.”
Many other things are working in Paul’s favor, said Fortel, who has a “buy” recommendation on the stock. “Paint-up demand,” he said, requires payments in installments at a time when other household expenses, such as travel, are zero, and people working and learning remotely.
If customers are “terrified over home Wi-Fi, they are less likely to be disappointed with the 5G network” than if they were out and around, Fort said.
Apple did not respond to a request for comment.
The company has 62% shares to date. Dow Jones Industrial Average DJIA,
The S&P 500 SPX rose 0.24% over the same period.
Is up 7.8%.