I am the suspicious prince Harry and Meghan Markle will always be free

  • How often have we heard about Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s alleged desire to be financially independent?
  • As this couple tends to do, they talk about a great game but do very little for action.
  • I’m not sure they ever stand up for themselves.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have long claimed that they long for financial independence.

They have regretted the shackles of real life. The golden cage prevents them from making their own fortune and using it to finance their world-changing activism.

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle are not really financially independent

Of course, earning enough cash to support the lifestyle Meghan has grown accustomed to since it happened to Prince Harry, her phone number comes first.

It has quickly become a trend with this couple. They are happy to talk, but they are not so eager to walk.

In the same way that Prince Harry preaches about racism while completely ignoring his own incomplete past, the Hollywood Royals want the benefits of being completely independent of those pesky royal duties, while enjoying the royal funds.

Speaking to talk RADIO, royal commentator Tom Harwood criticized the couple for leaving Britain but staying in the shot:

I find it extraordinary that they continue to receive money from the British taxpayer. They have cut ties with the Royal Family, they have stopped doing public duties, which is what they get money for in the first place.

Will they ever stop being free?

We know that aspiring Hollywood celebrities have had no real income for at least the past few months.

At this point, they are free.

They left the UK for free accommodation on Vancouver Island in Canada. They then secured a private jet to take them from Canada to Los Angeles, where they have since lived in a Tyler Perry-owned mansion.

After leaving the Commonwealth and joining Perry’s $ 18 million mansion, they proceeded to lecture us about our history

Harwood perfectly described the irony and arrogance of that move:

They even left any kind of Commonwealth country. Any country where the crown has any kind of importance to jump to California.

To top it off, we know that Harry’s father, Prince Charles … the heir to the throne that established that Commonwealth – continues to finance his son and daughter-in-law.

Harwood says it’s time for Meghan and Harry to take over their own affairs:

If they want to be private citizens, they can be private citizens. But they should rescind their title, stop taking taxpayer money, and should live like the Hollywood celebrities who so desperately and clearly want to live.

If that were me, I would be completely ashamed to live off someone else’s account.

Of course, Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have never been too embarrassed.

The Hollywood Royals are quickly running out of options

Living your lavish lifestyle requires a large amount of money.

In addition to public speaking, Prince Harry is essentially capable of absolutely nothing marketable that provides the kind of income the couple wants.

As for Meghan Markle? She is not quite sure what she is doing. At one point she chases Brad Pitt for a role in a Hollywood movie, the next he challenges Gwyneth Paltrow and Goop. And when she’s not doing any of that, she’s plotting her way to the White House.

The term “throw everything on the wall and see what sticks” comes to mind.

The question is: what happens when nothing sticks?

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