Hurricanes, fires, floods and locusts: Science says climate change is here, but the RNC refuses to believe

Complicating the emerging task of saving lives and livelihoods in this ongoing climate crisis: a new disease, released from a natural world out of balance. Two small enemies – coronavirus and heat-trapping gas – are joining forces to create pandemic patients in Lake Charles, Louisiana, worrying about blown roofs and falling trees. They force California firefighters on a social-distance basis on shifts of 72 hours after more than 10,000 dry lightning strikes started 500 fires.
But now, here at home, the threats seem to be multiplying by the hour. As an example of Sophie’s Choices coming out of such a combination of unnatural disaster, President Trump hopes to remove $ 40 + billion from the FEMA’s Emergency Response Fund after a fresh round of unemployment benefits for the tens of millions spent by Covid-19 have been expelled from work. In California, Gavin Newsom government convicted nonviolent convicts in a desperate attempt to delay prison outbreaks and, as a result, lose vital manpower for firefighters.
Firefighters carry a hose to a burning structure as the LNU Lightning Complex Fire burns near Napa, California.  This year, fewer inmates can help fight the wildfires.

“So long in the study of climate change, we are studying the future,” says Katharine Hayhoe, director of the Climate Science Center at Texas Tech University. “And now the future is here. If we live here in Texas, we will see stronger and bigger and slower hurricanes with a lot more rainfall. If we live in the west, we will see natural wildfires burn bigger and larger area. If we live in living in the Midwest, warmer temperatures are replacing our rainstorms. “

Juicing these changes, she says, are the entire Gulf oil platforms, refineries and petrochemical plants punished by Hurricane Laura … and Harvey, Michael, Rita, Ike, Katrina et al. Almost every other developed nation in the world understands the basic physics that the more it pumps and burns, the more unpredictable life on earth will become.

But seeing the Republican National Convention, if you did not know it, you would never know.

This aerial photo shows damage from Hurricane Laura to a neighborhood outside Lake Charles, Louisiana.  President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence both mentioned the storm, but did not link it to the climate crisis.
Vice President Mike Pence offered warnings and good wishes to those who were on the road to Hurricane Laura Wednesday night and on Thursday, President Donald Trump began giving a speech on the people affected by “the wrath” of the storm had come. He said it was “fierce, one of the strongest to land in 150 years”, then added that the casualties and damage were far less than just a day earlier thought possible. Night after night, speaker after speaker made no mention of the scientific consensus that burning fossil fuels makes your parents’ hurricanes, floods, and fires much, much less.
How to Help Hurricane Laura Victims
While the Democrats disappeared and were specific on their promises to be given a chance to govern, most reports of the environment came from Republicans in celebration of regulatory reversals and harsh rejections of Joe Biden’s plan for $ 2. trillion to spend on clean energy projects and re-enter the Paris climate agreement.
A healthcare provider checks a patient's temperature before taking a coronavirus test.  More than 5.8 million people in the U.S. are infected with Covid-19, according to research by Johns Hopkins University.

“Joe Biden’s Democratic Party is pushing this so-called ‘Green New Deal,'” Iowa Sen. Joni Ernst in a pre-recorded speech. She mocked Democrats’ efforts to legislate the climate crisis after referring to the August 10 derecho that tore apart ten million acres of their state. “If power were given, they would essentially ban animal farming and gas-powered cars. It would destroy the agricultural sector not only here in Iowa, but all over the country.”

This is not true. The 14-page Green New Deal resolution calls for “working with farmers and ranchers in the United States to remove pollution and greenhouse gas emissions from the agricultural sector as much as technologically viable,” but there is no call for a ban. on cows as gasoline cars.
How to help those affected by fires in California

“How much does the 2018 Camp Fire cost, just to fight? Just to put out the flames?” I asked Government Newsom after strong winds made Camp Fire the most destructive field in state history. “It falls on the jaw – the numbers – and they keep escalating,” Newsom replied. “Exactly the removal of puns is in multi, not billion, multi-billion-dollar costs.”

The second and third largest fires in state history are now burning at the same time and the wine season has not even begun yet. “People think, well, we can not afford to tackle climate change,” says Newsom. “My goodness. The naivety of that. Because the most expensive option does nothing.”

Wind farms, such as these turbines seen in Colorado City in 2016, provide clean energy to parts of Texas.

“How was climate change so politically polarized?” Freget Hayhoe. “It’s not the science, it’s the solutions. We’re told the only solutions to climate change are negative or punitive. They include destroying the economy, throwing people out of work and letting the United Nations rule the world.”

Blurred by this message, she says Americans miss how much progress is happening between disasters. “They do not know that 70% of the new electricity now being installed around the world is clean energy. They are not aware that solar energy plus storage is actually cheaper than natural gas in California. Or that Texas has more wind energy. has as one other state in the country.Or that Texas has the first carbon-neutral airport in DFW, and Ft. Hood, the largest military base in the US is fully supplied by wind and solar energy.The reality is that the solutions here already are. ”

5 lessons from the pandemic to tackle the climate crisis

But when Hayhoe sees the solutions, others see the pain along the way.

“It will get worse before we get better,” said Lieutenant General Russel Honoré. “We need to find solutions to pollution that will drive the future economy.”

Known as the “Ragin ‘Cajun”, Honoré took it over after a disastrous state and federal reaction to Hurricane Katrina. The storm and its aftermath killed at least 1,833 people, almost 15 years ago to this day.

“Right after Katrina we had Rita. A reporter asked me, ‘We just had two hurricanes. Do you think that has to do with global warming?’ “I was shocked. I gave her some clever answer, but it haunted me for days,” he says.

At the time, the Department of Defense was keen on the threat of sea level rise to bases around the country, but the question suddenly made science personal, as Honoré saw his own beloved bayou communities drowned out for lack of official planning and imagination.

Lt. Gen. Russel Honoré talks with then-President George W. Bush in New Orleans, three weeks after Hurricane Katrina, because Hurricane Rita threatens the same area.

Fifteen years later, Honoré spends most of his time thinking about repairs for the Gulf and the nation he serves.

“We can start by fixing our infrastructure. Let’s adjust the damage, create jobs that reduce the impact on the air and the water and the land. I think we need to have adult dialogue, regardless of any political class. , “he said,

To my son, born in the time of coronavirus and climate change

Taking action is critical for people like Hayhoe.

“There is no right answer in how to solve climate change,” she says. “There’s no silver bullet either. Just a lot of silver box.

“But we are all responsible for our families, for our loved ones, for our children, for the poor and the marginalized and the vulnerable right here where we live, as well as for the whole world to get our heads out of the sand to “Recognize that climate change. People are responsible. The consequences are serious. And we can act now. No matter who we are and how we vote.”
