Zsolt Boldogkői: Let’s not open schools in April


In terms of vaccination, we are becoming more and more global, which will soon have a beneficial effect even on today’s unfavorable health statistics. We still have two problems to solve, he wrote. Zsolt Boldogkői molecular biologist Saturday night on his Facebook page.

We should ask and have more patience: not to open schools in April. Especially since children cannot yet be vaccinated and vaccinated teachers will not produce enough immunity by then. Likewise, the British variant is dangerous for the little ones, in addition, they will take the virus home to the family.

He said.

According to the molecular biologist, we will soon get to the point where vaccination no longer increases vaccination and therefore we cannot get rid of the virus.

Boldogkői believes that an effective motivation system should be developed to develop the propensity for vaccination, the main means of which should be to give very strong powers to the vaccination card. And current legislation should apply to leaders skeptical of viruses and leaders against vaccination, he said.

(via telex)
