Zoltán Ceglédi no longer works as an assistant to Anna Donáth


In October, we wrote in the wake of 444.hu that television is known for its analytical and opinion shows and as a comedian. Zoltán Ceglédi the MEP, Donáth Anna works as an assistant. By the way, local assistants do not have a contract with the European Parliament, but they can be called personal advisers with the MP.

Cegléd’s contract was on communication planning, copywriting, brainstorming, strategic consulting, and political agenda analysis. Anna Donáth’s staff also issued the document, according to which Ceglédi has been working for the MEP since the beginning of January and his gross salary is 865 thousand HUF per month.

Now Ceglédi announced on his website that he was no longer working for Donát.

By now, for example, it has become quite clear that I can no longer do that job. It is not a clear failure, but the realization that I cannot be a driver and a coach at the same time. Many said that it would have been enough to announce a few lines at the beginning and everything could have followed. Well, no. With and as I say, no. It is an unnecessary and unworthy burden for Anna to defend my words, to respond kindly a thousand times to the young housekeeper, who will photograph my comment to “talk” to me. And it makes me constantly self-examine if what I say or write doesn’t put him in an awkward position.

Ceglédi also wrote that “it is not possible to continue, because if someone hates me for my activities as a public figure, Anna can also click at the end. Unnecessary attack surface “.

Ceglédi also wrote in the post that he specifically wanted Donáth to be the opposition prime minister candidate in 2022, but the politician wants to fulfill his term in the EP by 2024.

Featured Image: Norbert Farkas /24.hu
