“Zoli, this is not possible” – Alföld asks Zoltán Rátóti in an open letter to save SZFE


New Wednesday of New Times by Peter Uj.

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“Dear Zoli! I am writing to you, I ask you because I know you from the SzFE Foundation Board of Trustees, and also because you are a very important person in my professional life, I could say that I am a professional friend of mine. So, which sucks, I have something for my friend, because that year we did very important performances together at the successful Budapest Chamber Theater. Conferences that defined my life. Róbert Alföldi begins his performance – The Venetian Squid – where he recognized me for the first time as a director ”, Róbert Alföldi begins his long letter to Zoltán. .

Róbert Alföldi speaks with Alinda Veiszer in Zalaszentgrót on March 24, 2018.Photo: Júlia Halász / 444

“I deeply believe that you don’t understand what you’ve gotten into and you don’t know what you represent, you don’t know how much it depends, it will depend on you. (I’m not a college professor, he wasn’t, so he’s not driven by any personal interest.) It is simply a matter of writing to a friend of mine who is a member of a board of directors who issued a notice that makes it clear that you do not understand what is happening and what is wrong, ”Alföldi refers to yesterday’s announcement, in which the board A government-appointed board of directors wrote, after the revocation of the Senate powers, that it was “unacceptable and irresponsible” to resign from the SZFE leaders because they defrauded their students and staff.

“So, Zoli, it is not a dialogue, but two completely equal parts sitting with each other when the rules of the game have not yet been decided, described, signed. Because in a new situation, the rules that are acceptable to both parties must be developed jointly, by agreement, by debate, so that they can really start working together, respecting each other’s arguments. It’s not a conciliation if the boss tells us what can and will be, like, dislike. That power and the humiliating display of power. It is the dictatorship of the board of trustees, of the board of trustees of which you are a member, and I have not read anywhere, ever, that somehow you would have approached the resigned leadership of the university to have a coffee somewhere and talk. (I am not referring to ministerial offices). Not to dictate, but to communicate as equals, respecting each other and respecting the work of others, even decades of work. “

Actor Zoltán Rátóti, director of the Hungarian Academy of Arts (MMA) Theater Academy, will deliver a speech at the opening gala of the national theater season in 2019Photo: Balázs Mohai / MTI / MTVA

The president of the board of trustees, Attila Vidnyánszky, and Zoltán Rátóti, who acts in his company, Nemzetis, also spoke about the need to appear at the University of Theater and Cinematographic Arts, which is important to them, because SZFE has not been national enough and Christian until now. Alföldi responds: “My friend, do not be angry, but I worked a lot with you, we worked honestly on everything, and it never worked for me under any circumstances, because you did not say that you have a painful lack of Christian, civil, your worldview, taste, culture could not have appeared. Why didn’t you say that? But I think, maybe I’m wrong, you didn’t say it because there isn’t one in the theater. There our existence appears in its complete and astonishingly varied, colorful and extreme form, “writes Alföldi, referring again to The Venetian Squid Directing, in which Rátóti performed:” One of the most important moments of my theatrical work so far was when you sat like Shylock in the middle of the square and prayed. And in it was the Jewish faith and the Christian faith, because God was present. And it was then that a man clung to death to his culture, his traditions, his history, his civic and conservative conception of life.

“I don’t question your goodwill, in fact, I don’t question Attila Vidnyánszky’s inner faith, but Zoli, this can’t be the case. Because it’s amazing. And there may really be nothing behind it other than the intention to improve, but then you have to show it and not the force and not the desire for revenge, and not that here, always, everyone, has done everything wrong ”.

According to Alföld, Rátót has a key responsibility in rescuing the university and the theater profession: “You are a decent person, you always have been, and I am convinced that you have remained that way. Zoli, you have to say it, you have to tell everyone to know who we are, what is Hungarian theater. Because you know the people sitting there better. You are responsible for us, for our profession. “

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