Sharks are actually drawn in the waters of Southern California, so far 38 specimens have been identified.

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More sharks have been seen in Southern California waters this year than ever, MTI reported on CBS News Sunday night.

The Long Beach Shark Lab has 120 underwater viewing stations along the California coast from San Luis Obispo to San Diego. On Sunday, its researchers said they had detected 38 sharks so far, more than three times as many as last year.

Chris Lowe, director of the lab, said sharks generally swim south in the fall because Southern California waters begin to cool, so the researchers were surprised there are still so many sharks swimming in the area.

The authors of a comprehensive study of the world’s shark population, published in July, spent four years logging 15,000 hours. Sharks have been found to be declining in almost every part of the world due to overfishing and climate change, except in California waters, where they are increasingly living.

CBS also reported that sharks still don’t bother surfers. Shark Lab’s underwater viewing stations in Long Beach warn aquatic rescuers early, who can tell swimmers a predator is approaching.

A California surfer was hit by a severe shark attack
Life + Style

The shark bit the surfer’s giant.

Whales are being evacuated due to Europe's largest military exercise


The largest European NATO military exercise this year is taking place in Scotland, which is why whales are being driven out of the area.