The President of the Republic fears a global catastrophe and also listed the merits of the Hungarian state in the fight against carbon dioxide emissions.

Issues related to climate change and sustainability will remain after the end of the coronavirus epidemic, said President János Áder at the online opening event of Sustainability Week announced by the Ministry of Human Resources for the fifth time this year . MTI.

The Earth is saying, “Wake up, live ecologically,” joked the president. According to Áder, everyone can feel that something has changed in their environment, such as the daily maximum temperature, which was permanently above 30 degrees in September, but also the increasingly high average temperature in the Arctic, the devastating fires around the world and lobster rides.

“Climate change is caused not only by heat registers, droughts, forest fires, but also by the acceleration of the water cycle in recent years, the so-called hydrological cycle, which can lead to a more unequal distribution of the rains, storms, floods and more devastating floods. ” Ader said.

According to the politician, to avoid a climate catastrophe, reducing carbon emissions, the so-called decarbonization, is the most important task.

According to him, to do so, Hungary will close the last large coal-fired power plant, Mátra Thermal Power Station, increase the capacity of its solar power plant several times and, with the help of nuclear and solar energy, reach 90 percent of carbon dioxide-free electricity in ten years.

Citing former US President Barack Obama, the head of state added that the current generation is the first to feel the consequences of climate change on their own skin and the last that can still do so against them.

Áder has appointed six people who will be in charge of family policy

András Domány
At home

Katalin Novák’s ministerial team was formed.

Ader: If you want to live, you have to treat the environment more carefully.


Care must be taken to ensure that “our selfish acts do not turn fatal,” said the head of state in Gödöllő.