Tihany’s experts are packing up, but the oligarchs will have a sailboat, complains network biologist Ferenc Jordán.

“Everyone will maniacally want to go back to the old order when the epidemic subsides. We immediately forget it, we don’t learn from it, we don’t adapt “

Ferenc Jordán, director of the Balaton Limnological Institute, who predicted last year that humanity was immersed in a devastating pandemic, told Response Online. The central theme of the angry interview with the network’s research biologist was that the institute had recently been spun off from the Ecological Research Center, which, according to him, was practically equivalent to destroying it.

“There is more and more money for brainwashed lawyers to deliver ordered results to power. Resources flow to artificial institutions where trusted people spend money. Anything, just don’t ask. “

According to the official justification, the separation from the Tihany Institute was justified by international visibility. However, according to Jordan, this is not true, the institute has experienced unprecedented development in the last year and a half, but after transformation

“Now there are more people packing in Tihany, young people who are significantly emotionally connected to Balaton Uplands are already looking for work abroad. A couple of local oligarchs, on the other hand, will have a sailboat and the grandchildren will still be able to swim for free ”.

He also claims that he was contacted by a man who should have been the port of the institute, but did not say a name about who he was.

As he said, before the transformation, an external advisory board found that what was happening at the institute was good, and then Miklós Maróth, president of the Eötvös Loránd Research Network, asked a committee, “which said that everything here should be dismantled ”. Maróth was there once in the summer, talking to the director for seven minutes, then dedicated an hour and a half to “academic agg”, saying that national science should be done, not that the Germans say what they are researching in Hungary, and that the library should be improved because it is a window to the world, he said.

He’s mad at the old academics anyway – he said so

“These old clowns are slowly taking the future of the third generation home with their silly, outdated, naphthalene-scented decisions. The words of the world’s stars do not decide even at Tihany’s general store. They spend time regularly at the institute, of course, only when the family wants to have a good beach. “

The institute has joined two international consortiums of 10 million euros each. According to Jordan, it has already been signaled from there that the money will be withdrawn if the mesocosm, that is, the system of basins on the shores of the lake in which modern research takes place, does not remain. Why it was necessary to transform it then, he replied that this institute is not affected by the basic conflict, almost all Hungarian scientific life is like that.

“Balkan Mute Swamp. We wanted to change this, at least in this institute. But it hurt many interests. “

According to him, what happens to nature conservation is not just a problem at Lake Balaton. “The country needs to become a hunting and fishing paradise where country-clad creatures rejoice. This is the green policy of the current regime, which is still being regulated ”.

Dobos Emese

The coronavirus epidemic has highlighted the unsustainability of current systems, the downsides of globalization, but once the vaccine is ready, we will forget about everything again, says Ferenc Jordán, Network Research Biologist, Systems Ecologist, Chief from the Balaton Institute of Limnology at the Center for Ecological Research. warnings from scientists and that governments, companies or individuals must push for change. Interview.