YouTube has removed one of the most malicious channels


YouTube has canceled conspiracy theories promoting it David Icke ignoring previous requests for a violation of user policy. A spokesperson for the video division explained to Business Investor that the platform has clear rules that prohibit the publication of content that questions information from the World Health Organization (WHO) and the United Kingdom’s National Health Service (NHS) about the new virus crowns.

Icke has been disseminating misleading information on social media and traditional media for years, as well as reaching a large mass through his YouTube channel, with nearly a million subscribers before the removal. In 2018 Business Insider noticed that it was even distributing containers on the YouTube Kids interface for kids.

The vessel was filled when coronavirus symptoms were linked to the spread of a new generation mobile network, 5G. In the past few weeks, anti-5G towers have also set fire to the fiscal towers, which is why UK telecom operators have called on community service operators to take immediate action to stop the spread of theories of conspiracy.

Facebook has cracked down on Icke before, with its official site removed from the social site a few weeks ago. YouTube added that content created by third-party videos that mention Icke’s name will not be removed.

(Featured Image: GettyImages)
