You can shoot me but my journalists are left alone


In the person of Levente Boros Bánk, he recently became the new owner of the printed newspaper Media Market and the related Internet portal, Since the new leader did not come from his inner circles, the left-wing media immediately began firing, producing the expired materials one after another. At the forefront was Media1, who wrote on the subject without contacting Boros Bánk. That’s why Origo, filling that void, asked the new owner of the page, who told me about his future plans, goals, dreams, slander to the left-wing press and the frivolity of his competitor.

On Wednesday the news came that he had become the new owner of Mediapark and Boros Bánk Levente, the director of the Media View Center bought the bi-monthly newspaper and its online interface. The left-wing press launched a full-range offensive immediately after the change of leader: materials arrived that arrived on a conveyor belt with the identity of the owner and the new orientation of the paper.

They would fill a market void

As there were a number of malicious articles on the subject in such a way that Boros Bánk did not ask anyone in the world, Origo did too.

We want to create a professional newspaper that gives its own interpretation of the performance and events of the Hungarian and international media market.

– outlined one of the most important goals of our application, emphasizing that all this “with the accepted and dominant balliberal interpretation” in parallel or, where appropriate, against it. He explained the last clause by saying that the left does not tolerate people independent of them trying to interpret world affairs against their worldview. He then elaborated on the three-legged ars poetica of the new media market:

  1. provide readers with a realistic interpretation of the independent reality of the baliberal side in media and media related issues;
  2. show that talented and outstanding journalists are also working for the right. According to Boros Bánk, this is necessary because the Baliberal side has been appropriating the profession for decades;
  3. First-hand information on the press should be made available to the public as the first communicator.
Levente Boros Bánk, the new head of the Media Market, speaks at the Award Ceremony of the Hungarian Journalist Jótollú at the Perspective InstituteSource: MTI / Koszticsák Solid

They are afraid of losing their position

As mentioned above, the Media Market was immediately criticized: there were a number of articles in the left-wing press that indicated that Levente Boros Bánk, who was close to the government, had bought the Media Market and then fired everyone a day later. . “They keep lying” commented on the complaints in the media.

The series of lies is due to fear. They fear their monopoly position, they fear the emergence of an organ that plans to draw an independent voice from the mainstream.

explained what was behind the series of unusually intense attacks. He illustrated the leftist dominance of press products related to media affairs by serving events throughout the Index. As is well known, the portal’s explosion was due to an internal struggle, however, its counterparts interpreted it as an “external disintegration”, from which an expiring campaign was launched against Hungary.

Frivolous level

According to Levente Boros Bánk, as a result of all this, they see competition in them. Especially highlighted Média1, edited by Dániel Szalay, who was the most active in the expiration of his work.
He sees that the newspaper has played and continues to play a role in spreading the left-wing narrative on media issues. As proof of this, Szalay received this year the Népszabadság Journalist Award, and among the winners was Miklós Hargitai, president of the leftist MÚOSZ, a journalist from Népszava. The owner of the Media Market called Media1 a media tabloid, which he justified.

What Szalay does is professionally completely frivolous.

“The newspaper did not observe the minimum of journalistic ethics: in an unprecedented way, they were never asked even once, by phone or by email, what had happened.” – He expressed his indignation. “This level is frivolous. It makes not only the person frivolous, but also the environment he controls.” added. For this reason, Levente Boros Bánk believes that it will not be difficult to create a better newspaper that deals with the media market.

(By the way, Dániel Szalay used to be an employee of the Zoltán Varga propaganda newspaper Then he had the opportunity of the blog called Media1.

I was prepared for attacks

When asked about Origo, the new owner of the page said he was prepared for harsh attacks, knowing that “As soon as they are in the light, they will shoot immediately”. He added that the attempts to expire by the left-wing press did not surprise him in the least, so he just smiled.

You can shoot me, they bounce off me, but with my hands away from my journalists.

Levente Boros Bánk also revealed that the Media Market did not actually have an editorial office: journalists who edited the print or online interface worked as subcontractors. They don’t want to change that practice, so they don’t have editorials in the classic sense of the word yet. His words revealed that he had a small staff to transform the media market, and several journalists would work part-time.

Refutation of lies

One of the most frequent accusations against the new owner of the Media Market was that he fired everyone in the editorial office as one of his first steps. However, the person in question firmly denied these rumors to Origo. In this regard, he explained that he withdrew the newspaper on Thursday, and before that, a so-called “editorial meeting” was held on Wednesday. At the meeting, the previous owner announced that he would sell the newspaper and portal, and also announced that his work for outside journalists was “coming to an end.”

Former employees were paid based on their performance. I would also add that they were paid

– did things right, adding that outgoing staff will receive their money for the work they do and, in addition, will be entitled to “severance pay”.
