SZFE was instructed by the maintenance foundation’s board of directors to terminate contracts with their legal representatives, and students should not even use the term “university reserve,” says the university. The SZFE workers’ strike committee passed its first trial without success and then announced that a warning strike would take place on Thursday.

There is growing resistance from students and professors to the erosion of the autonomy of the University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) due to the government’s decision to continue the university as a foundation under Attila Vidnyánszky. More and more world-famous artists are joining the solidarity movement around SZFE, but the Vidnyánszky family is not expanding. You can follow the latest news from the SZFE scandal in our article series.

The University of Theater and Film Arts (SZFE) would be deprived of its legal representation by the board of trustees, SZFE said on its community page. Last week, they write, the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Film “filed new lawsuits.”

For example, students are expected not to use the term “university reserve” to remove mills and, for epidemiological reasons, to be included only in the university building for the duration of their education. They add:

the board of trustees instructed the university to initiate the immediate termination of the contract with its legal representatives.

According to the SZFE, this would only be good to prevent them from defending university autonomy.

SZFE was occupied by students after the Foundation for the Arts of Theater and Film kept the university. The foundation’s board of trustees, chaired by Attila Vidnyánszky, excluded the university senate from all important decisions according to the founding document on the management of the institution and its students. University occupants and SZFE employees who are preparing for a strike want to achieve the restoration of university autonomy. Since then, they have also drawn up a letter setting out their principles.

Strike committee: first trial was unsuccessful

Meanwhile, the SZFE workers’ strike committee also started talks with a negotiating partner defined by law, who happens to be the vice chancellor and the chancellor in case of resignation, it said on Wednesday. A representative of the foundation’s board of directors also attended the hearing.

The committee presented the strike demands, to which the representative of the Board made technical comments and requests, but did not want to comment on the merits. In relation to all strike claims, employers have stated that they have no legal basis to comply with them.

The first trial was unsuccessful, they say. The settlement will continue on Thursday and it was also announced:

University workers who agree with the means and objectives of the strike will hold a warning strike on Thursday afternoon from 3 to 5 p.m. in the university’s Vas Street building.

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They received the Junior Prima awards and then stood guard at SZFE
Life + Style

Six young artists were able to receive the Junior Prima award in the theater and film category, and five of these six winners graduated from the University of Theater and Film.

According to Tamás Ascher, it is not true that he fired an SZFE professor for his political opinions

According to Erika Balogh, the university “treated” her husband in 2006 after Ascher became the rector of the institution. The director remembers this very differently.