Thousands of people increasingly chanted the rhyme of the free country free university, while Gábor Iványi spoke about the need for a desperate struggle, Noar about recovering the meaning of words and Nóra L. Ritók about solidarity in front of the University of Theater and Cinema on Friday, where the university protested.

I’m calm. It’s like the old rocker. His name is Jagger in England

– The singer János Bródy dismissed the public gathered in front of the University of Theater and Film Arts. So far, the center of Vas Street has been completely filled, where the participants and the artists were united by the autonomy of the University of Theater and Cinematic Arts, the students who keep the building locked and the educational institutions for disadvantaged children and needy, whose state support has been cut by the government.


Thousands of people who participated in the protest shouted the rhyme “Free Country, Free University” countless times, which was louder at the end of the demonstration, when the protesters shouted in applause in front of the university building.

Our correspondent was surprised that the gloomy and resigned mood that had previously been characteristic of the protests over the expulsion of the CEU or even the reorganization of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences was not at all noticeable. Much of the crowd was young and cheerful, and it seemed to our colleague that the fighting spirit did not diminish despite the stalemate on the university affair. However, as it was not organized by the younger generation, the rally was unable to show the momentum shown by the earlier student rallies.


The speakers began with Mihály Csernai, president of the SZFE student self-government, who stated that he would not say yes to the invitation of the Hungarian Rectors’ Conference, which convened a meeting of the university leadership and the administrative council appointed by the state, until the issue was discussed. the student forum on Friday night.

Pastor Gábor Iványi – whose small church, which also carries out educational activities, is also affected by the withdrawal of the government – spoke that students run a real risk for freedom because they can count on the wrath of power, but highlighted a parallel biblical that you must fight even if you are desperate. “These miserable people need brave and intelligent young people to teach us to laugh, cry and freedom,” he praised the students.


He thanked the SZFE professors for not participating in the new course and indicated that he will also have the support of other currently silent universities and academics. “The country is listening, there is a sinful silence,” he said. He does not know if the tension is about to explode, but he says that the silence must be broken.

SZFE makes a sacrifice, “he said, but a sacrifice must be made for freedom:” There will be wine to trample the grapes, there will be bread for the mill to grind the flour. Opposition politicians who play theater must sound the alarm and make sacrifices for them too:

You have to leave that miserable house over there!

“You are our best face, our future, our hope, I know it is a burden, but we want to thank you for assuming it. God bless you!” – He said.

Actor Andrea Fullajtár read the ten commandments of the freedom-loving man István Bibó, believes that this also protects against many diseases, and according to the impressed Ági Szirtes, he bowed before the “brave defenders of the truth.”

Solidaridad was thanked by Nóra L. Ritók, head of the Igazgyöngy Foundation, also affected by the withdrawals, who said that while he understands the causes in deep poverty, not in political decision makers. According to him, solving the problem of deep poverty would be more important than empty stadiums or a 50 billion hunting exhibition. He also reported that the abstract grant had been collected within two days, but that the collection would continue. According to him, power imposes its own ideas on everyone, although those who oppose them do not politicize against them, but rather practice their profession.

Attila Rácz, a student at the SZFE doctoral school, read a letter of support from Lajosné Toma Ildikó Őze and then praised Lajos Őze, who thought he would be in jail or a fool’s house if he were still alive. Örkény Theater actress Kriszta Bíró praised the university. You can take money away, but solidarity can’t, ”she said, then quoted Frigyes Karinthy’s My Country and My Country.

The interpreter Noar also emphasized solidarity, said that we should not listen anymore, we should not accept that the criterion of talent should be loyalty and destruction, he wants to live in a more free and open society.

We need to get our words back, the civilian is not the enemy of the vagabond civilian and great

he said, listing a few more words like liberal, gypsy or Jewish. Before launching into his new topic, he urged everyone not to listen.

Kati Lázár, Kossuth award-winning actor and Mari Jászai, director talked about the planted tree, whose fruit will no longer be eaten by him, the writer Kriszta Szalai and the actor about the fact that acting students know they will be in the books of history. Singer Kriszta Kovács brought to life the story of Sodom and Gomorrah, where God asks Abraham to negotiate with him to show a hundred real people, and he believes they would be the students of SZFE. Before Padödö closed the event with two songs, actor Balázs Barkó recited Air by József Attila.

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The Hungarian Rectors' Conference invited the Actors and the Vidnyászky family to a meeting
At home

Next Tuesday, the leadership of the University of Theater and Film Arts and the board of trustees of the foundation that exercises the property rights of the university were invited by the Conference of Hungarian Rectors and the Conference of Student Governments. The solution requires dialogue, they wrote in their statement.

Canon sang for the performing arts
At home

About a thousand sang together in support of the University of Theater and Motion Picture Arts on Friday afternoon.