According to the chairman of the European People’s Party, the next chairman of the German ruling party will also have a great responsibility in deciding what Fidesz will do.

The European People’s Party (EPP), and therefore Europe as a whole, is very important about who will be the next candidate for chancellor of Germany, quotes Manfred Webert, leader of the EPP. Politician. Weber referred to the presidential elections of the German Christian Democratic Union (CDU) this week. The chances are high that the next German chancellor will be nominated to lead the German ruling party.

The person of the party president is also not indifferent to Fidesz, especially since today even the ruling Hungarian party is a member of the People’s Party, the largest family of parties in the EU. According to Weber, the next CDU president will bear a great responsibility in deciding whether Fidesz can remain a member of the party’s family. Sample Politicianset:

This will have to be decided in 2021.

Weber described the events of recent weeks as a step backwards in cooperation with Fidesz, highlighting in particular the veto of the rule of law mechanism.

Weber, by the way, highlighted the importance of continuing the work started by Angela Merkel when she was hired as the next CDU leader. THE Politician According to him, the mention of continuity largely supports the candidacy of Armin Laschet. Laschet is currently Prime Minister of North Rhine-Westphalia.

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According to Weber, Orbán wants to destroy a united Europe


In the Welt am Sonntag, the German politician wrote that this is the goal of anyone who equates the EU with “the authoritarian regime of the Soviet Communists.”

According to Orbán, Weber blames the Hungarians for not becoming president of the European Commission

At home

The Prime Minister is back in correspondence with Manfred Weber, in which he describes what he believes to be the problems of the European People’s Party at the moment.