A chase scene in super slow motion – It looks a lot like the news from the latest election polls in the United States. We will show you what to look for.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

On November 3, a presidential election was held in the United States. The calculation of the majority of the analysts entered, due to the large number of votes cast in the mail, the day of the elections did not return results. However, Donald Trump declared victory and also mentioned electoral fraud. Follow the events of the lengthy presidential election on hvg.hu.

Our article is being updated.

Where the US presidential election has already been held, Joe Biden leads the electorate in 253-213. It takes 270 to win. Six states have yet to be decided, four of which are really important.

Pennsylvania (20 elektor) More important than anything else, if Biden wins there, he’s the president. And chances are high that that will happen, but now Trump continues to lead. The latest data was presented at eight thirty local time, when the 18 percent processing was 18,192 votes in favor of the president. However, there is an overwhelming majority of votes in favor of Bident between the votes cast and the votes cast before Election Day. The results have been filtering extremely slowly since Thursday morning, but each time the result is updated, Trump’s lead is reduced by a few thousand votes. Analysts say Biden is likely to take the lead at some point, but we don’t know when. And until that happens, we cannot announce a winner.

If Trump still retained his lead in Pennsylvania, there would be three states to watch out for. Whoever wins at least two of these three wins the elections.

Georgia (16 elektor) the closest thing imaginable, shortly before 9 a.m., was just 665 votes in favor of Trump. At three-quarters of 10, it had melted to 463. And it is running out at a very fast rate: it drove another 200,000 before receiving the votes by letter. Trump’s lead will be a few hundred fewer votes with each update, but only a few thousand votes remain, and yesterday there was conflicting information from local electoral bodies on exactly how much. There is a chance that Biden will take the lead in the next few hours, although it is not certain either. But to add another twist to the story, the votes of soldiers living abroad and soldiers serving abroad could run until this afternoon, after which they begin to be counted. In other words, whoever leads today needs to be very brave to be able to announce results.

Arizona (11 elektor) He has a 90 percent processing and leads Biden by 47,000 votes. But unlike the rest of the country, the last votes tend to be in favor of Trump, so far roughly 60-40, he would have to win the rest to turn around.

Nevada (6 elektor) on paper, a close to 89 percent turnout of 11,000 votes is Biden’s advantage. But there, most of the remaining votes come from and around Las Vegas, where the Democratic nominee has received two-thirds so far. Several analysts have already suggested that this state can be considered a slow race, but as long as the difference is so small, this should not be said with certainty.

For the sake of order: North Carolina (15 voters) and Alaska (3 voters) have yet to announce a final result, but unless something extreme and unexpected happens, we can both count on Trump’s victory. Trumpé will also likely be one of four Maine voters.

It is not known exactly when we can announce a result, maybe in the morning, maybe just at night. From Pennsylvania and Georgia very slowly, but the results are coming in, the Arizona and Nevada vote counters tend to post an update every tens of thousands of votes. Now, for the third day in a row, the hard work has begun and at some point they will have to sleep.

How is Trump doing in Arizona?
While in almost every other place in the US we see Biden solving his disadvantage with votes-by-letter at a tremendous rate, in Arizona, Trump is narrowing the gap. You don’t have to think about cheating or cheating at this point, the situation is much simpler. This state has a long tradition of voting by letter. While in many other places, fearing the epidemic and the large number of lines expected on Election Day, Democratic supporters chose to vote en masse, this method comes naturally to the people of Arizona. But Democrats mobilized there very well in the weeks leading up to the election, their voices came in quickly, so Biden led with a smaller turnout with a big advantage. Now that the last hundreds of thousands of votes have been counted, the votes that are predominantly Republican remain.

Fraud? No

Where Donald Trump led smoothly on election night, his lead is melting away at a staggering rate. The president had already declared himself the winner, and many might have thought Thursday morning at the numbers that he would be right. But what is happening now should not be viewed as suspicious: Reliable analysts said weeks earlier that this is exactly what could happen during vote counting. Democratic supporters took their party’s request to vote by mail or cast their ballot before Election Day seriously, and Republicans believed what Trump said: There’s no need to fear the epidemic, but you can do tricks by voting for letter, so they prefer to do it personally. voted on November 3. Additionally, Biden’s voters are the main residents of big cities, and where many live, aggregation is slower.

If it had been a regular election this year, we would not see surprise in the way the results arrive, so we can see that first the votes cast locally, which were predominantly Republican, were counted, and then the votes by letter from the overwhelmingly Democratic supporters. Perhaps the bravest was Nate Cohn, a data analyst for The New York Times, who was a day and a half ago when Trump’s lead in Pennsylvania fell to 8 percent. wrote on Twitter: He sees this as Biden taking the lead.

We can’t make such a bold statement yet. So many facts: As early as Thursday morning, you could see that in Pennsylvania and Georgia, too, Biden would have to get about two-thirds of the remaining votes to take the lead. Since then, we’ve seen that happen, and in fact, Biden even outperforms in several places, bringing the votes by a three-quarters ratio. Assuming this will continue to be the case, all we can say is that Biden is now more hopeful, but as long as Trump leads the number of votes already counted, we shouldn’t go any further on the predictions.

Regardless, Trump held a scandalous press conference and also keeps writing on Twitter about cheating him against the election. However, his claims are simply not true, which is why several television companies disconnected him from his press conference and Twitter blocked several of his tweets. He complained, for example, that Republicans were not allowed to enter polling stations in Pennsylvania, which turned out to be false. He raised the issue that Republicans were staying so far off the ballots that they couldn’t see if they were all legal, although by then a court order had made it clear that everyone could see everything. And most importantly, although Trump claims that he wins with legal votes, there is no illegal vote: several calmer representatives of his own party have already warned the president that

The result can be announced in an election if all the votes have been counted.

Republicans have challenged the voting process in court in several places. So far, judges have ordered accountants to make only minimal changes or have rejected Trump’s request. The president said he would go to the Supreme Court, which could cause excitement because there is now a 6: 3 majority of conservative judges. But most analysts have pointed out that if competition is tight somewhere, one could talk about that a judicial decision is important, but the board would not help open electoral fraud. There is a more serious pending question: in Pennsylvania, days before the elections, when the question was whether to accept the votes received after the closing of the ballot box, the Supreme Court made a strange decision, saying that these should be accepted, but they should be separated from the rest. do so that if they decide otherwise later, it is possible to know what does not count in the result. This may seem scary to Biden supporters, but the votes in question haven’t even begun to be counted, which is the result we’re seeing right now, it’s the number of coupons that arrive before the ballot box closes that definitely counts towards the final result.

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