In both April and May, the North Korean leader could not be seen at a public event for weeks.

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un was instructed to toughen measures to respond to the coronavirus epidemic at a meeting of the political committee of the Korean Labor Party, state news agency KCNA reported. The body was convened amid the economic and political uncertainty caused by Covid-19, which imposes additional burdens on North Korea’s economy in addition to the impact of international sanctions imposed on its nuclear program.

South Korea’s Yonhap news agency said Monday was Kim Jong Un’s first public appearance since October 22, when he visited a cemetery in South Pyongyang province. Kim, who reappeared to the public after 25 days, strongly emphasized the need to maintain full preparedness and intensify work against the epidemic, KCNA wrote.

Participants discussed unspecified “serious crimes” committed by party officials at Pyongyang Medical University, which, according to the KCNA, were “protected, covered, and facilitated” by other party central committee officials and other state bodies because of their incapacity. to crack down. control over the university. However, the North Korean news agency did not detail whether the alleged crimes were related to the coronavirus epidemic.

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), North Korea reported testing more than 12,000 people in early November, although it did not report any confirmed infections. Since the start of the epidemic, a total of 6,173 people, including eight foreigners, are suspected of being infected and 174 people have been quarantined in the last week of October, the WHO said.

The North Korean leader did not appear in public for twenty days in April. At the time, it was rumored that his health had deteriorated significantly, he had undergone heart surgery, and even the news of his death. Some believed in the coronavirus epidemic to find the reason for its withdrawal. Kim was seen again at a fertilizer factory grand opening in early May, then disappeared from public view for weeks again.

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