From the coronavirus to the Biden family businesses, a number of important issues were discussed in the last debate of the US presidential candidate.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

The presidential election will be held in the United States on November 3. According to the results of the pre-election of Republicans and Democrats, the current candidate for Donald Trump’s head of state will be Joe Biden, former vice president of Delaware State Senator Barack Obama. You can follow the intense campaign and subsequent developments in the presidential election in our article series.

US Vice President Donald Trump and Democrat Challenger former Vice President Joe Biden debated important issues and calmly debated the presidential candidate’s latest debate in Nashville, Tennessee, Thursday night. The moderator was Kristen Welker of NBC Television, who was even praised by Trump. Unlike previous debates, the president was not passionate. The main topics of discussion were the coronavirus epidemic, the business affairs of the Biden family, foreign policy issues, health insurance reform, the problem of illegal immigration, racial inequalities and climate change.

Regarding the coronavirus epidemic, Joe Biden blamed the president for the fatalities of the epidemic. He almost literally repeated what he said in the presidential candidate’s first debate that Trump could not handle the epidemic and said he panicked when it broke out. He believed that the president did not have a comprehensive plan for managing the epidemic.

Trump, for his part, recalled that when the epidemic broke out, he closed the airports first to planes coming from China and then from Europe, which is why the Democrats, including Biden, called him xenophobic. The president, referring to the fact that Biden had been communicating with people from the study in the basement of his home for months, emphasized that as president he could not afford to lock himself in.

I never got money from Russia, the Biden did

Trump claimed, referring to public emails, that Biden’s son, Hunter Biden, worked for a Ukrainian gas company when his father was vice president and made lucrative deals in China and Russia.

Biden essentially did not respond to his son’s business affairs, although he claimed that Hunter Biden had not committed anything illegal. He claimed that he had never received money from the Russians, the Ukrainians or the Chinese. “It’s not about family,” he said, before Trump responded, “it’s a typical political response.” He added, “Come on Joe, you can do better.”

Biden mentioned that Trump has a bank account in China and paid more taxes there than in the United States.

In his response, the president argued that his company’s Chinese bill had ceased long before he ran for the 2016 presidential election. He stated in his tax return: he paid millions as a tax advance.

The presenter asked about attempts to interfere in the Iranian elections in Iran and Russia. Biden claimed that the Russians want Trump to win because “they know that I know them and they know me.” Regarding attempts to intervene, he noted that “any country that tries to intervene will pay the price.”

No one is tougher on Russia than me

Trump responded. He said he had managed to convince NATO members to increase their budget contributions to the North Atlantic Alliance, citing the Russian threat.

Biden criticized Trump’s policy toward North Korea, noting that the talks helped prevent a war that Obama described as a real threat when he was handed over to power.

The resolutions on health insurance and illegal immigration, which became known as Obamacare, were more intense.

Trump called Obamacare a socialist, while Biden explained that health insurance is not a grace but a right that belongs to everyone.

Trump has believed that to supplement Obamacare by law, or by presidential decree, insurers must also go along with those who already have a serious illness before insurance.

Speaking about illegal immigration, Biden promised that, if elected president, he would grant citizenship to 11 million illegal immigrants. The presenter asked Bident why Americans should trust him, since the problem of migration has not been solved during the eight years of the Obama administration. Biden responded that this time he will not be vice president, but president, and within a month of taking office, he will present his proposal for all illegal immigrants of US citizenship.

The issue of children crossing the border without their parents was also raised in the debate. Trump emphasized that these children are being brought in by human traffickers, using them for their ends. He also recalled that the first “cages” where these young children were temporarily placed were installed by the Obama administration.

Speaking of racism, Biden reiterated that racism is systematic in the United States. He accused Trump of racism, who replied that he has been the least racist president in the country since Lincoln, and is the best president for blacks.

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Trump lost the trust of the older generation

Miklós Lengyel

Two weeks before the US presidential election, Donald Trump is increasingly desperate to campaign because he has also lost support for his own generation. However, this could be crucial in states where the fight between the president and Joe Biden could be decided.

Mozilla Says Purity of US Presidential Election Depends on Facebook and Twitter

Mozilla, behind the Firefox browser, says that Facebook and Twitter must take immediate action to curb disinformation campaigns and dishonest news on their platforms for the upcoming US presidential elections.