The police are protecting the MPs from the Trump party protesters. The president of the United States made it clear that he refused to leave power and his vice president openly turned against him when he asked for a change in the result.

Biden Won, Trump Still Fighting: 2020 U.S. Presidential Election

On November 3, a presidential election was held in the United States. The competition between Republican Donald Trump and Democratic challenger Joe Biden was very close in several states, so it was only on November 7 that it turned out that Joe Biden would be the 46th president of the United States. Follow the events and possible consequences of the prolonged presidential election on

Our article is constantly updated.

As deputies gathered on Capitol Hill in Washington DC to verify the outcome of the presidential election, tens of thousands of Donald Trump supporters sympathized with the president on the streets of the capital. Trump told them they were going to fight for the presidency and they cheated in the election.

In fact, there is no evidence for this, but his followers still asked Republican MPs not to accept the result. Several of those who attended the meeting were rounded up and held responsible; A video was also made of how Indian Republican Senator Todd Young explains: He too wanted Trump to remain president, but laws are more important than opinions.

After that, the situation started to get worse. Protesters marched in front of the Capitol and several broke the cordon around the building. They also entered the building, walked in front of the closed door of the Senate, the deputies are protected from them by the police. The meeting was suspended.

CNN reports that one side of the Capitol has been occupied by protesters, and ABC News knows that Trump believers are also up on the floor of the building.

And Democratic Rep. Elaine Luria tweeted about having to vacate her office because someone was reported to have planted a homemade bomb near the building.

According to unconfirmed news, the help of the National Guard is sought.

Muriel Bowser, the mayor of the capital, ordered a 12-hour curfew starting at 6 p.m. (it’s midnight here).

A good half hour after the protesters stormed the building, word came in that the police had drawn their guns, which is a terrifying turn on the United States Legislature building, even if it’s natural in itself that a police officer has a gun.

Donald Trump then, in an unexpectedly sober move on Twitter, asked everyone to support the units responsible for the security of the Capitol and to remain in peace.

And a Politico correspondent reported that a protester in the presidential chair was yelling that Trump had won the presidential election.

Meanwhile, at the meeting, when it is time to work, they will alphabetically review the results for all the states where someone sees a problem, where they can request a separate hearing; Republican MPs immediately requested it in the Arizona case. Two hours can be reserved per state, after which both the upper and lower houses vote, and the result can only be destroyed if both so decide. However, since the majority in the House of Commons is Democrat, it is out of the question that the outcome will change, but the session can take a long time even if it can continue. Donald Trump suggested that Vice President Mike Pence, who chaired the meeting, did not have to accept the result, but indicated that the electoral votes of certain states could not be arbitrarily rejected. Pence had now openly confronted Trump for the first time before the president attacked him on Twitter.

Meanwhile, in Georgia, where the result of the senator’s election is still being counted – and if there is not a big change, the victory of its two candidates will be the majority of the Democrats in the new Senate – the militants have gathered in front of the state legislature building. Brad Raffensberger and his staff responsible for conducting the elections had to be evacuated.

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Mike Pence wrote: He's not on his way to pick Joe Biden

US Vice President Acknowledges Election Result; under normal circumstances that shouldn’t even have any informational value. Now, however, this is of great importance.