According to the President of the United States, the body did not respond adequately to the coronavirus epidemic, so the pathogen was able to spread throughout the world.

coronavirus pandemic

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The United States has a duty to hold the world accountable for its actions in the epidemic, Donald Trump said at a regular daily press conference with the government task force that coordinates measures against the epidemic COVID-19.

Trump put it this way:

WHO has provided misleading information about the virus in China. “

He also added that the United States government is conducting a thorough investigation into how WHO handled the pandemic. “We are deeply concerned about whether the generosity of the United States has been used to the best of its ability at WHO,” he said.

He also said that his country contributes between 400 and 500 million dollars a year to the organization, while China pays around 40 million dollars or, as he said, “even less” to the WHO budget.

Trumo sees that if the World Organization had done its job correctly and dispatched health professionals to China in time, the coronavirus epidemic would have been contained at the scene of the outbreak. “WHO has failed in its primary mission and is therefore responsible,” he said. However, he also added that the United States remains committed to the WHO.

At the press conference, Trump insisted that the US economy. USA It should be restarted as soon as possible. As it said, the federal government will soon publish new guidelines in this regard, and says the country’s economy could relaunch even before May 1. He repeatedly emphasized that the decision would be made in consultation with health professionals and in agreement with the governors of the member states.

He also said that the governor of each member state has the authority to implement the restart.

US commentators noted that Trump had focused on working with the governors and did not repeat his statement the day before that he had “full authority” as president and had “the last word” on restarting the economy in every member state.

“I will consult with the fifty governors in no time, and then I will give each governor the authority to restart the economy,” he said. He emphasized that in each Member State, life would be relaunched at the most appropriate time and in the best possible way for local conditions.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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He said it was not true that he did not react to the epidemic situation in time.


The President thus declared to all Member States. This has never happened before.
