The president of the United States yelled electoral fraud, without proof.

Trump vs. Biden – 2020 US Presidential Election

On November 3, a presidential election was held in the United States. The calculation of the majority of the analysts entered, due to the large number of votes cast in the mail, the day of the elections did not return results. However, Donald Trump declared victory and also mentioned electoral fraud. Follow the events of the lengthy presidential election on

Donald Trump called a press conference and said that if “legitimate votes” were counted, he would have won the presidential election without issue. What followed was unprecedented: Several television companies disconnected from the press conference, and MSNBC, ABC and CBS did not continue broadcasting, arguing that the president’s speech was full of material errors.

And in fact: there is no evidence that any kind of electoral fraud is taking place, it just appears that a much higher proportion of Democratic supporters have chosen to vote by mail, and sending letters reduces Trump’s advantage in several key states. The president also spoke about not allowing observers in Pennsylvania to count votes, which is not true. He did not answer questions.

After that, several Republicans began to criticize Trump. Illinois Congressman Adam Ritzinger says Trump’s claim is “beginning to rival insanity.” Maryland Governor Larry Hogan wrote:

“There is no excuse for the president’s statements today that undermine our democratic process. America is counting votes and we must wait for the results, as we always have.”

The vote counting is done late at night, early in the morning, as follows:

  • In Pennsylvania, Trump’s lead has melted to 23,000 votes with a 95 percent processing, and it is highly likely that Biden will take the lead with the remaining votes per letter.
  • In Georgia, Trump’s lead was reduced to 1,800 votes with a 99 percent processing. There, it is conceivable that Biden will soon take the lead, but with votes from those living abroad, the dice may even roll again, they won’t announce a final result anytime soon.
  • In Arizona, the votes per letter are more than the Trump party, with Biden’s lead melting from 70,000 to 47,000 with a 90 percent processing, and if the remaining votes are split between the two candidates as much as the previous letter votes, Trump can reverse.
  • In Nevada, with a processing of 89 percent, Biden leads with 11,000 votes, but most of the remaining votes come from Las Vegas, where he has a two-thirds advantage so far, and Trump has the least chance of translating.

In the number of voters, Biden leads to 253-213 where the election is already decided. If Biden wins in Pennsylvania, he is the president. If Trump wins there, whoever wins two in Georgia, Arizona and Nevada wins the election.

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