The president of the United States has recently tested positive for the virus.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

US President Donald Trump said on Twitter Monday that he was leaving Walter Reed Military Hospital early in the evening, where he had previously been admitted as a precautionary measure due to a coronavirus infection.

“I feel really great! We don’t have to fear Covid. We shouldn’t let it dominate our lives,” Trump said, then added that some really great drugs have been developed during his reign. “I feel better than 20 years ago,” said the president. THE guardian However, doctors who spoke for Donald Trump said that there are several factors in Donald Trump’s case, such as his age and being overweight, that can put him at risk for complications.

White House physician Sean Conley has warned that Trump should take medications, including Remdesivir, of which he will soon receive a fifth dose. The President of the United States, by the way, is fine with his blood pressure, heartbeat, no respiratory problems and has been feverish for over 72 hours. Conley said Trump’s body was a bit dehydrated on Friday, but that was immediately rectified.

The president said that he never complained of muscle aches, and the fever was quickly suppressed, he did not take an antipyretic for more than 72 hours, he had no neurological problems. He received oxygen twice. When asked if the president could campaign, Conley replied that

in principle, yes.

Trump also posted several posts on Twitter on Monday, including about his health. He also responded to press reports complaining that he showed up in front of the hospital in a mask and car on Sunday afternoon to greet his followers, who showed up there in great numbers, carrying American flags and placards alive. “If I hadn’t, they would write that I’m not carved,” he wrote.

He also dedicated several entries to everyday politics. Encouraged to vote in the presidential election, he wrote a separate post on the situation in Virginia, discussing new tax increases or a better and cheaper health insurance system.

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