In the last week, 575 coronavirus patients have died in the country.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

More than 6,000 new cases have been confirmed by PCR tests, while the number of registered cases has increased by about 17,000 since Tuesday in Spain, the Spanish Health Ministry said. According to the ministry, an average of 332 out of every 100,000 people in southern European countries are infected.

Eight of the 17 provinces of the country remain below the national average, while the rest are above. The highest infection rate is found in Navarra, in northern Spain, where 1,021 out of 100,000 people were infected with the virus. As of Thursday, free entry and exit from the province will be restricted and the catering units will also be closed for seven weeks.

The death toll from the infection so far stands at 34,366. In the past week, 575 people lost their lives, 43 on Wednesday, according to a ministry report.

There are currently 13,698 people in the hospital with the disease and 1,930 patients are treated in the intensive care unit. The first represents a utilization of 11.5 percent of supply capacity and the second a utilization of 21.5 percent.

The Health Ministry said that between 750 and 17 October, about 750,000 PCR tests were carried out in the country, including those carried out in public and private laboratories, 12.4 percent of which were positive.

The Spanish Center for Emergency Coordination and Health Alert estimates that 70 percent of coronavirus cases can be identified with current testing capabilities.




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In Spain, the number of infected is already close to one million


There are currently 13,000 coronavirus patients in the hospital.

Tourism collapses in Spain, which was the second most attractive tourist destination in the world last year


Compared to 2019, 73 percent fewer tourists traveled to the country in the first eight months of the year.