Gulzira’s “sin” was spending too much time with her relatives in Kazakhstan.

He was constantly humiliated and tortured for a year, but he can consider himself lucky: Gulzira Auelhan came out of one of the Uighur re-education camps in China. His “sin” was spending too much time with his relatives in Kazakhstan, which means he was not loyal enough to China.

Beijing systematically persecutes the Muslim population of the country; Some observers already mention genocide due to reports of Uighurs being forced to use contraception, sterilization and abortions. Deutsche Welle on-site report.

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United States would ban Urgur forced labor products

It would not allow goods that may be linked to Chinese labor camps into the country, said a U.S. Customs and Border Protection commissioner.

A video has been released for the BBC about how a Uighur male model is imprisoned in the camp.
Life + Style

Merdan Ghappar sits locked in an empty room, chained, while outside, Chinese state propaganda rings out from the speakers.