Milan Lucansky fell into a coma after attempting suicide and they could no longer save his life.

Former Soviet police chief Milan Lucansky, suspected of corruption, died in hospital after a suicide attempt in prison, police said. New word Referring to the entry of the former Interior Minister Denisa Saková. The news of the death was also confirmed by the family of the former policeman.

Slovak news portals reported on Tuesday that Milan Lucansky had attempted suicide in custody. His information was later confirmed by the Slovak Ministry of Justice.

On the circumstances of the case a Journal N wrote that Lucansky was checked every 30 minutes in his cell, which was constantly monitored even by a camera. Despite this, the former police captain hanged himself wearing his warm-up shirt and then, as Attorney General Zilinka Maros said, fell into a coma. In the case, a criminal process has been initiated, in which it is investigated whether the prison guards have violated the regulations. In any case, the head of the penitentiary remained in his post for the time being, although the commander of the penitentiary resigned.

According to the Slovak press, Lucansky was suspected of taking a bribe of 510 thousand euros (180 million guilders). The former police chief was arrested as part of a police operation under the pseudonym Judas. In addition, Boris Bena, deputy director of the Slovak Information Service (SIS), and five senior and current senior officials of the security services, including Peter Gasparovic, a former head of intelligence espionage, were investigated.

The Slovak Mafia scandal was discussed in detail in this article.

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The threads of the corruption case in Slovakia reach Hungary

Yvette Szabo

The latest symbol of the sinful intertwining of Slovak politics and the business world also dealt with businessmen close to the Hungarian prime minister.

Former Slovak police chief wanted to commit suicide in prison


Milan Lucansky is suspected of accepting a bribe worth 180 million HUF. He is currently hospitalized for injuries sustained during his suicide attempt.