A 4.5 earthquake was reported in the province of Verona.

About two hours after a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Croatia, the earth also moved in Verona, Italy, on Tuesday. According to a report by EMSC monitoring seismological activity in Europe, a 4.5 magnitude earthquake occurred in Veneto.

A Corriere.it According to the earthquake that could be felt throughout northern Italy, its epicenter was in Salizzole, at a depth of 9 kilometers.

According to the Italian newspaper, so far no damage has been reported, but aftershocks of 2.8 and 3.4 have already been registered.

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The Croatian earthquake was felt in various parts of Hungary

At home

The effects of the 6.3 earthquake in Croatia were also felt in the counties of Kőszeg, Budapest and Békés.

There was a 6.3 magnitude earthquake in Croatia, the damage is severe


The earthquake was also felt in most of Hungary. According to press reports, seven have died so far, but surely twenty people have been taken to hospital. There was also a 4.5 aftershock afterwards.