In mid-January, the only woman waiting for federal death row could be executed.

The Court of Appeals said the execution date of Lisa Montgomery, who was sentenced to death for murder, was legally set for January 12, writes the BBC. The women’s lawyers are initiating a change of decision with the judges. Montgomery was originally executed in December, but execution of the sentence was suspended after his lawyers contracted the coronavirus. The new date was set for January 12, but his lawyers argued that no new date could be set during the suspension period. The trial court confirmed his action, but the appeals court ruled that it was lawful to set a new date.

Lisa Montgomery is the only woman awaiting execution in federal proceedings. If her sentence is enforced, she will be the first woman to be executed in federal proceedings since 1953. The execution of federal death sentences has been suspended in the United States for 17 years, and President Donald Trump resumed it; If the executions scheduled for Trump’s resignation are carried out, there have been no more executions under a president in the last hundred years than during his tenure.

Montgomery’s execution would be days before Joe Biden assumed the presidency. As a senator, Biden supported the death penalty, but vowed in his presidential campaign to end federal executions.

Montgomery was sentenced to death in 2007 for a brutal murder. The woman came to Bobbie Jo Stinnett’s home in December 2004 to buy a dog. In the apartment, he attacked the pregnant Stinnett, strangled her unconscious, then cut her belly, pulled out the fetus and carried it away. His attorneys argued in the lawsuit that Montgomery could not be counted because he suffered brain injuries from child beatings.


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They demanded the death penalty for a Japanese serial killer


The Japanese graduated with nine men.

Beginning in July, there will be federal death sentences in the United States again.


In 2019, there were 22 executions in the country.