With Donald Trump no longer in office, the negotiations have become stale.

The U.S. Supreme Court closed several lawsuits against Donald Trump on Monday, five days after the end of his presidency, accusing member states, an NGO, hotels and restaurants of violating anti-corruption clauses in the constitution for failing to cede commercial property during his mandate. , among others, from the Trump Hotel near the White House in Washington.

A lawsuit was filed in 2017 by the state of Maryland and the government of the federal capital because they believe that it violates constitutional regulations on the compensation of the president if politicians and national and foreign officials stay at your hotel as paying guests without the approval of the Congress.

The same accusation was presented by an NGO that monitors compliance with ethical standards, as well as several restaurants and hotels, which, they say, are at a competitive disadvantage compared to the president’s businesses. Guests of the hotel in question were also able to choose the Trump hotel over other hotels to seek the president’s favor, the applicants argued.

The Supreme Court not only overturned the decisions of the lower-level courts, but ordered these courts to dismiss the trials because now that Donald Trump is no longer in office, his admission has become moot. The Supreme Court also did not address Trump’s appeal of the verdicts.

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Trump's lawyer is being sued for $ 1.3 billion for defamation


Rudy Giuliani claimed that he was misled using voting machines in the US presidential elections.

Trump has not told the truth on more than 30,000 issues in four years


He has lied the most in the last year of the president’s term.