In the midst of the epidemic, Tomaz Gantar leaves the government of the old friend of Viktor Orbán.

The Prime Minister is temporarily in control of the Slovenian Ministry of Health after the resignation of Minister of Health Tomaz Gantar. His departure is the second major loss for the Slovenian government today, as his party, the Retiree Democratic Party, has left a coalition coalition with Prime Minister Janez Jansa. They have argued that Jansa is “orbanizing” the country and the trend is becoming increasingly populist, writes the Associated Press.

According to the party, Jansa suppressed the free press and all important parts of the Slovenian political system, following the Hungarian example.

Jansa (pictured shaking hands with Viktor Orbán) came to power in March, but her party remains the majority even after her coalition partners leave. It can truly be said that he himself is an old friend of Viktor Orbán, and his group also embarked on the Fidesz path.

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