András Németh

New details of the death of the most famous Russian neo-Nazi, Maxim Marcinkevich, are revealed. The 36-year-old extremist man, who has been in prison since 2018, is said to have committed suicide, but many suspect they were put under his feet by those who said that Marcinkevich, who was already disappointed in the Russian state, knew too much about them. .

“If I suddenly cut my wrists or hang myself, it means they helped me. Not a little, “wrote Maksim Marcinkevics, who was also jailed in 2014. The Russian neo-Nazi, better known as Tyeszak (ax, sword), has now committed suicide, at least according to official Russian sources. Authorities said the prisoner, who had just been transferred from a Novosibirsk prison to Moscow, had committed suicide in Tajibinsk prison.

According to a spokesperson for the Russian commission of inquiry, Svetlana Petrenko, Tyeszak had a good reason for committing suicide because he had also acknowledged two murders in 1999 and then in 2007. “He said that he started killing non-Russians who arrived in Moscow at 19 years. She acknowledged everything in a confession told in a completely calm tone. We have the recordings, Marcinkevics condemned the crimes he committed on racist grounds, ”Petrenko said.

Farewell letter and remorse

While authorities say it is clear that the extremist nationalist has ended his life with his own hand – there is also a farewell letter to his supposed girlfriend handwritten, in which he also lamented previous murders – there are more and more unanswered questions or at least signs of serious irregularities. . Marcinkevics’ lawyer, for example, has not been able to see his protégé since May, and prison officials have always said no for different reasons: he was once unable to go to prison because Marcinkevics was prepared to be transferred to another prison, and once he had not been admitted to a protégé. visitor.


It is also strange that after the death of Marcinkevics, his father, who arrived at the scene, refused to show the body for days, and when he was finally allowed to do so, Marcinkevics showed traces of torture on his body. The lawyer at the scene also confirmed that he had seen signs of torture, but the Russian authorities gave a “striking” response. “We discovered that during his detention, the convict did not ask the prison authorities to guarantee his physical safety,” the official said in a statement that Marcinkevics could not be tortured because he had not opposed it. Based on countless revealing videos and other accounts of Russian prison conditions, this argument can be said to be at least cynical. Incidentally, the suicidal version is also weakened by the fact that Marcinkevics, who was convicted of serious bodily injury and various hate crimes, would have been released in May next year.

Long criminal record

Although there are many question marks surrounding Marcinkevich’s death, and it is also true that there are many hidden supporters of Russian extremist nationalist organizations also within the power elite, the neo-Nazis of the intellectual family have a long criminal record. As a child, he was still a Tolkien fan, but at the age of 14 he befriended some extremists and took over their ideas. One of his “mentors” was the most famous Russian extremist of the turn of the millennium, Semyon Tokmagov, the founder and leader of a group called Ruskaya Cel (Russian Target). Tokmakov, like Marcinkevich later, was happy to speak to the media about his hatred of non-Russians, primarily Central Asians and Muslims from the North Caucasus who came to the country as guest workers.

At the age of twenty, Marcinkevics decided to form his own extremist organization, using the Internet as a tool. He founded several groups, of which Format-18 and Restrukt became the most infamous. Marcinkevics and his associates gained notoriety and dubious glory in part by launching a manhunt against pedophiles, gay men and drug dealers. The victims caught by the provocateurs were tortured, humiliated and there was someone with whom they also drank urine, and all this was recorded on video and posted on the World Wide Web. Several of the rapists later admitted that most of the “pedophiles” were innocent gay men who had only been established as child molesters by their torturers. Non-Russians were abused, and Marcinkevich’s men were among those who attacked the Moscow metro at night and indiscriminately beat non-Slavic-looking people. Marcinkevich became one of Russia’s best-known extremists, and now that he is dead, his supporters have held memorial rallies in various cities.

Disappointed with the Russian state

According to information from the Russian newspaper, Marcinkevich Tyeszak could also count on the secret support of some in power in the gay persecution, since in recent years there has been an official attempt to institutionalize the fight against “gay propaganda” in Russia: about Years ago, the parliament passed a law that positively prohibits homosexuality. posting demonstrative content, effectively banning sex ed as well.

However, Marcinkevich is disappointed in the Russian state and said in an interview in 2018 that after his release, he wants to renounce Russian citizenship and move from his homeland. “I don’t get involved in any community with this state and its policies,” he said.

Jesus behind bars

A minor operation, using helicopters and combat vehicles, was required to remove Russian police supporters from the Visarsion, who considered himself, or at least called himself, the reincarnation of Jesus, and two close aides. . The 59-year-old, a former traffic cop and later known as Sergei Torop, lost his job in 1989 and founded the Church of the Last Testament in 1991, the year of the collapse of the Soviet Union, after allegedly becoming enlightened.

In 2009


Growing a beard and long hair, Visarsion gathered thousands of believers around him in the Siberian city of Krasnoyarsk and small villages in the area, and authorities say the “false prophet” took money from members of the sect during years through emotional blackmail. By the way, Backarion often doubted if he was really a god or just a prophet who would help convey his messages to the Lord. “I am not a god. And it is a mistake to see Jesus as a god. But I am the living word of the Lord. All that the Almighty wants to say to people through me, he said in an interview in 2002. At first , He did not even consider himself Jesus, for a time he spoke of Jesus looking at people on a road close to Earth, and Russia is ruled by the Virgin Mary.

Within the sect, the use of money was abolished, Visszarion forced to adopt a vegetarian diet, and in the new era of believers 1961, Visszarion’s birth year is the start year. The Russian Orthodox Church has been attacking the Vysarion for a long time, but the authorities have left the sect alone. Visarsion now reportedly reported that he was involved in a controversy with the local oligarchs, who were bored with the operation of the sect.

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