Yerevan has accused Azerbaijan of attacking civilian targets in Nagorno-Karabakh

Azerbaijani forces attacked civilian targets in Nagorno-Karabakh, a disputed property. This was announced by the Armenian Prime Minister, Nikol Pasinjan, on Sunday morning. The Armenian Defense Ministry said that in response to the incident, the Armenian army shot down two Azerbaijani military helicopters and three drones.

Furthermore, according to an Armenian source, the Azerbaijani force also attacked several targets in the Nagorno-Karabakh region headquarters, Stepanakert, although it was not clear what they were.

The Azerbaijani Defense Ministry wrote in a statement that it has “launched a counter-offensive across the front line to end the Armenian military operations and protect the civilian population.” Baku acknowledged the loss of a helicopter, but said that no one from the plane’s crew was injured. The line separating the Azerbaijani and Armenian-backed forces is heavily mined by no-man’s-land, that is, an uninhabited area, news agency reports said.

Armenia and Azerbaijan have long been at war because of their affiliation with Nagorno-Karabakh, a region largely separate from the latter and inhabited by Armenians. The Armenians who lived here declared the area’s independence at the end of the Soviet Union in 1991, which Azerbaijan has not recognized since. The parties concluded a ceasefire in 1994, but since then there have been regular, more or less flashing, armed clashes in Nagorno-Karabakh and along the border with Azerbaijan.

Border clashes between the two former Soviet republics have intensified in recent months.

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