Someone prepare the Hungarian Twitter – asks the creative director of the newspaper.

Someone prepare the Hungarian Twitter – writes on his microblogging, Tim Ball, Politico’s creative director. On Thursday a “must-see cover story” about the Hungarian prime minister will appear in the newspaper. Article title:

How Viktor Orbán ruined the EU and swam away.

And the other inscription on the cover can be translated like this: the perfect storm for Europe.


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The lesson of the Orban can be given today by the ruling of the European Court of Justice on refugees


Hungary has so far avoided an open conflict with the body, but the current decision puts it to the test, writes a Politico article.

Subsidies and the rule of law: the Germans would act, Gergely Gulyás thinks otherwise


It has resurfaced to link payments from the common coffers to respect for the common values ​​of the EU and democracy. The problem may mainly affect Hungary and Poland.