The Romanian Prime Minister’s party has lost the elections and wants to pave the way for the formation of a center-right governing coalition.

Romanian Prime Minister Ludovic Orban announced his resignation on Monday after his center-right National Liberal Party (PNL) lost elections to the opposition Social Democratic Party (PSD).

Orban said he does not insist on any position, by resigning he wants to pave the way for the formation of a center-right government coalition. He expressed confidence that the leader of the coalition government would also be provided by the PNL. The Prime Minister shall be appointed by the Head of State from among the members of the government.

The NLP, which has ruled in the minority since last year and was chosen by the ballot box as the winning commissioner of the parliamentary elections for the entire year, won approximately 25% of the vote on Sunday and the PSD won the elections with a result close to 30%.

The open anti-Hungarian can only be a gateway to the new Romanian parliament

In fact, neither party wants to form a government in the Romanian parliament after Sunday’s elections. If so, the Hungarian DAHR can also be part of the cabinet. After a long time, a spectacularly Hungarian party was reintroduced, through which the anti-Western part of the Orthodox Church was also able to play a larger role.

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Viktor Orbán congratulated Kelemen Hunor on his election in Romania

At home

According to the Prime Minister, the entry of DAHR into parliament means that the Hungarians of Transylvania and the Partium will also have a voice in the decisions that concern them in the coming term.

Liberals and nationalists are among the Romanians living abroad.

The Social Democratic Party, which won first place in the Romanian elections, did not even get 5 percent of the votes cast abroad.