Hungary was not included in the list of risk countries by the Slovak central crisis staff.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, although the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the posters, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

Measures against the epidemic in Slovakia will be tightened from October, and the government decided on Wednesday to re-declare the emergency, Slovak Prime Minister Igor Matovic announced after a meeting of central crisis personnel.

In Slovakia, the government declared a state of emergency in March, citing the risk of spreading the corona virus, which is still in effect. A health emergency was also declared a few days after the state of emergency was declared in March. The latter, valid for up to 90 days, expired in June. The emergency that the Bratislava government is preparing to declare this time will be of a more general nature, allowing a broader range of measures than the health emergency.

An emergency is needed to stop the further deterioration of the situation. “

Igor Matovic explained.

The Slovak prime minister also reported on various other austerity measures taken by the crisis team on Monday. One of them is that almost all mass events will be banned in Slovakia from October. The exceptions to this are only weddings, christenings, funerals and town hall meetings, and events whose organizers can guarantee that all participants can present a negative Covid-19 test.

Also starting in October, the number of guests and buyers in shops and restaurants will once again be limited, of which only those with a seat may be open. Provisions on the use of masks will be tightened again and will become mandatory both indoors and outdoors from October if a distance of at least two meters between individuals cannot be maintained.

Last week, it was suggested that Slovakia put Hungary and Austria on the list of countries at risk in terms of travel, but this suggestion was not approved by the Central Crisis Team, given that the epidemiological situation in the countries in question is similar. and that such a measure would not make sense. .

According to data released by the National Health Information Center on Monday, 265 new infections were recorded in Slovakia on Sunday, based on about 2,000 tests. For about three weeks, the daily average of new infections registered in the country, calculated on the basis of one week’s data, has also been increasing more or less continuously. That was 360 on Sunday, double the data from a week earlier.

In Slovakia, a total of 9,343 people have been diagnosed with the coronavirus since the onset of the disease in the spring and the number of active cases is 5,086. So far, 44 have officially died from the disease. To date, more than 447,000 virus tests have been carried out in the country.

On Monday, Health Minister Roman Prymula also announced that he would propose a declaration of a state of emergency to the government of the Czech Republic.

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The Slovak fans will demonstrate to be able to go to a football match again
Life + Style

In Slovakia, there can be a maximum of a thousand in the stands.

The epidemic situation in the Czech Republic and Slovakia is getting worse

At home

The number of severe cases requiring hospital treatment for coronavirus infection in the Czech Republic is increasing rapidly.