András Németh

According to the British tabloid The Sun, Russian President Vladimir Putin, who is allegedly suffering from Parkinson’s disease, will resign in a few months. Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov says Putin has no problems and will not resign prematurely, but there are many videos and statements circulating on the internet that suggest a different picture.

“It is nonsense. The president is in excellent health, there is nothing to comment on,” said Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov, after speculation appeared in several newspapers that Vladimir Putin was showing the first symptoms of Parkinson’s disease and He was therefore preparing to resign as head of state in the first half of next year.According to a newspaper citing Moscow sources, Putin, 68, who has been in power for twenty years, is taking over. Right hand strangely while walking, his hands shake sometimes and he also takes painkillers. “The head of state’s beautiful ex-gymnastics girlfriend Alina Kabayeva, 37, also rhymes for Putin to resign,” wrote The Sun.

Ready to go?

A well-known Russian political scientist, Valery Solovei, also knows that Putin is preparing to leave. Putin will not fulfill his term and will leave before 2024. How this happens depends largely on it. Russia will face a serious political crisis in two years and the regime will change, ”Solovej said in a statement last year. He still holds his opinion, reported, Putin will soon appoint a new prime minister and announce a timetable for the handover in January.

Solovey’s words appear to be borne out by the fact that Putin has also recently initiated two amendments to the law regulating the status of people removed from power by the head of state. One says that the president who holds office or resigns is entitled to lifetime immunity, while the other says that former heads of state receive a life membership in the upper house of parliament, the Federal Council.

Older suspicions

Incidentally, there were rumors about Putin’s alleged Parkinson’s disease five years ago, when Dutch doctors claimed that Putin’s district suggested that the head of state had been attacked by the disease. However, other experts have argued even then that Putin does not dangle his right hand while walking because of Parkinson’s disease, but because he learned it during his training at the KGB. According to the textbooks of the Soviet secret police, it takes a strange gait for the agent to be able to pick up the gun in his inner pocket at any time. This opinion is reinforced by the fact that several former KGB members of the Russian leadership, such as Sergei Ivanov, are acting like Putin.

The only politician in Putin’s district who likely did not receive any secret service training was Dmitry Medvedev, a former head of government or state who, in addition to the district, tried to imitate Putin in everything he said.

By the way, a decade ago, the Russian head of state, who was known to lead a sober life and play sports regularly, transmitted serious diseases, sat in armchairs at the same time, and allegedly temporarily stopped playing sports. Spinal disorders, on the other hand, certainly disappeared a few months later.

Strange Videos

While experts say Putin’s gait can be explained by KGB training, there are videos that don’t really show ordinary Putin. On the one hand, he arranges the text of his speech in surprising gestures during a deliberation, and on the other, he cannot find the name of the Kyrgyz head of state, Sooronbay Jejbekbekov, who has come to negotiate. He called his colleague “Sarman Saripics”, and it is not surprising that Russian television channels did not show the first minutes of the meeting, and the official description of the Kremlin side already includes the correct name of the Kyrgyz politician.

Under the current situation, Putin can now remain in office until 2036, as under a constitutional amendment passed a few months ago, a person can only hold the post of head of state twice, but the constitutional reform was so significant that decided to start from scratch. counting, that is, Putin, whose two consecutive terms expire in 2024, could also start. If the politician really wants to stay, it is difficult to understand why he has tabled the amendment right now that he will be granted immunity for the rest of his life if he resigns.

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