In the last 24 hours, more than 37,000 new infections have been detected in Italy and the focal point remains Lombardy.

Coronavirus – the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

A curfew that runs from ten to five in the afternoon will go into effect throughout Italy from Friday. According to the MTI, traffic on the streets of Rome in the last hours before curfew was higher than usual. People chatted in small groups on the streets and shops greeted customers until the last minute.

After ten o’clock at night, you can only go outside with permission to work or other compelling reasons. The night time restriction lasts until December 3.

In addition to the night curfew, the country’s epidemic classification came into effect on Friday:

In the so-called higher-grade red zones (Lombardy, Piedmont, Valle d’Aosta and Calabria), daytime circulation is also restricted and hospitality and commerce have ceased.

In lower-ranking areas, such as the capital, marked in yellow, circulation is free during the day, only the hospitality industry closes at six in the afternoon, and cinemas, theaters and museums are also closed.

Health Minister Roberto Speranza said there is no other way to stop the epidemic curve, “without strict restrictions, the health system cannot bear the burden.”

Hospitals were full in Milan and coronavirus patients began to be relocated to other cities in Lombardy. Naples Mayor Luigi De Magistris, classified as mild, said the health situation in the city had become uncontrollable.

In one day, 37,809 new patients were seen after 34,505 the day before. In the last three days, the number of cases per day has increased by almost 8,000. The number of actively infected people exceeded 472 thousand, there are more than 24 thousand in the hospital, 2515 intensively. In one day, 446 patients died, bringing the number of deaths to 40,638.

The focal point in Lombardy examined almost 10,000 new patients in one day, almost half of whom in Milan and the region. Second is Piedmont with 4,878 new patients per day.

More and more politicians, athletes and other well-known people are making it known that he has turned positive, including Roman mayor Virgina Raggi and Roberto Mancini as federal captain of the Italian soccer team.

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In Italy, a night curfew will be enacted, with four provinces completely closed


The provisions are valid until December 3.

In one day, more than 34,000 new infections were registered in Italy


Since May 2, there have not been as many deaths in the country as today.