Angela Merkel called on the Germans to abide by health regulations in her last New Year’s greeting as Chancellor.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel called on citizens to discipline compliance with the restrictive health regulations imposed due to the epidemic in her New Year’s Eve message, along with vaccines that raise new hopes. In her speech, Merkel called confronting the epidemic “the political, social and economic task of the century.”

The German chancellor has already started to say goodbye to the country, as she will not stand in the September 2021 elections.

“I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that the last of the last 15 years has been very difficult for all of us and we have never looked at the new year with such hope,” he said. “Our society must not forget how many people lost their loved ones without being able to be by their side in the last hours,” he added.

Merkel noted that “conspiracy theories are not true at all and are dangerous.” He said this in relation to the fact that there is a small but noisy layer in Germany that is opposed to the hardening introduced due to the spread of the coronavirus. However, he praised the vast majority who respect the rules, wear masks and stay away from their peers. It will also be necessary in the new year, he added.

In Germany, 1.6 million people were infected with the coronavirus and 32,000 died from complications.

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