The leaders of the member states welcomed the agreement with the United Kingdom and indicated that they would thoroughly analyze the text of the agreement.

It’s historic and lays the groundwork for a new chapter in the relationship between the community and its former member, Merkel wrote that a negotiating delegation from the European Commission and the British government had agreed on the terms of the post-Brexit relationship. The agreement completes the secession of the United Kingdom from the European Union, regulating the future relationship between the two blocks. The parties reached a compromise at the last minute.

The German Prime Minister, who holds the rotating presidency of the EU Council, stressed that “the agreement is” a big thank you “to Ursula von der Leyen, President of the European Commission, and Michel Barnier, EU Chief Negotiator and Staff , for the agreement reached this Thursday.

The federal government is thoroughly analyzing the text of the agreement, but this work “should not start from scratch” because the committee consulted closely with member states throughout the negotiation process. Therefore, “we can quickly determine whether Germany can support the outcome of the negotiation,” Angela Merkel explained, adding that she hopes Germany will accept the agreement.

The government will discuss the matter on the morning of December 28, which will also be discussed by the Council on December 28, and will decide on the provisional application of the agreement, Angela Merkel said. He also said that the agreement could definitively enter into force with the consent of the European Parliament. Merkel sees the agreement as a new chapter in the relationship between the EU and Germany and the UK following the abolition of EU membership.

French President Emmanuel Macron emphasized that “Europe’s unity and strength have paid off. The agreement with the United Kingdom is important for the protection of its citizens, its fishermen, its producers. We will ensure that it does.” added.

Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo said the trade deal would provide an opportunity to maintain close ties with the UK and ensure fair competition for EU companies. The most important thing for Belgium is to ensure the best possible protection of its economic interests, as Belgian companies must be protected from unfair British competition.

We leave behind the intense debates of the last four years. Now we can work on building a strong new relationship with the UK, which has always been a long-standing partner for Hungary. Time to look to the future

– He said. Belgium will begin to analyze the text of the agreement, as will the other 26 EU member states and the European Parliament, the Belgian prime minister added.

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte called the deal after “difficult negotiations” on the future EU-UK partnership as “great news”.

Rutte praised EU chief negotiator Michel Barnier and EU Commission President Ursula von der Leyen for their “tireless efforts”. “The agreement, which we will study carefully, is very important to all of us,” added the Dutch prime minister.

Italian Prime Minister Guiseppe Conte called the post-Brexit trade deal good news. Britain remains a key partner for the EU and Italy. “It guarantees European trade and the interests and rights of its citizens (the agreement),” he wrote in a Twitter message.

Italian Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez welcomed the principle of the agreement.

Spain and the United Kingdom continue negotiations on the free movement of goods and people between Spain and Gibraltar.

Madrid, London and Gibraltar are negotiating a tripartite agreement in parallel to the negotiations on an EU-UK economic agreement. The British trap in southern Spain is 100 percent dependent on imports, it’s the only way it can feed its 34,000 residents, and some 15,000 guest workers travel to Spain every day to work.

Portuguese Prime Minister António Costa said: “We warmly welcome the agreement reached with the UK on relations after January 1. The UK will remain not only a good neighbor and ally, but also an important partner.” .

According to the Czech Foreign Minister, Tomás Petrícek, on Christmas Eve, the good news is an agreement that will end the uncertainty over post-Brexit relations.

Petrícek expressed on Twitter that he was convinced that the European Parliament would approve the agreement.

Norwegian Prime Minister Erna Solberg called the deal good news for the UK, the EU and Norway. “Through an agreement, everyone, including Norway, will be able to better anticipate everything,” he wrote in a statement.

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The Brexit agreement on the future relationship between the EU and the British has been reached

Mercédesz Gyükeri

The circus, which lasted four and a half years, could end before Christmas.

Brexit: the conditions for British citizens to travel to Hungary will change from January

Citizens of the United Kingdom can enter Hungary without a visa.