The President of Belarus claims that he discussed with Vladimir Putin that, if necessary, the armies of the two countries will jointly face the Western threat.

Hundreds of thousands are demanding the departure of Europe’s last dictator and the holding of new presidential elections after Alexander Lukashenko is suspected of winning an allegedly fraudulent election. The Belarusian opposition took to the streets masses inexperienced at the time of the regime change. The peaceful demonstrations were systematically crushed by army force, and thousands of activists were arrested by riot police. Follow us for the latest news!

Alexander Lukashenko put half the army in readiness for combat on Friday, citing that “the West threatens the country,” the BelTA local news agency. In a speech at a dairy, the Belarusian head of state announced:

NATO “started military exercises near our borders. What else should I do? I put half the army in combat readiness and deployed some divisions, which cost a lot of money.”

On Monday, the country’s defense ministry said that some units of the Belarusian army had been placed in the highest readiness for combat. NATO denied the day before that it would increase its military strength in the region. Lukashenko began dealing with the army shortly after the opposition said he had cheated, and even after the Hungarian presidential elections, a wave of protests began against him.

Lukashenko also told the dairy that ESTUARY The news agency said it had agreed with Russian President Vladimir Putin that the armies of the two countries would deploy joint forces if “the West” threatened the country, but so far no Russian soldiers had crossed the Belarusian border. He said that if Western countries imposed sanctions on his country, he would respond with similar measures. He threatened to cut off traffic and boycott Lithuanian ports.

I instructed the government to submit a proposal for the complete diversion of commercial shipments from Lithuanian ports to other ports. Let’s see how they thrive

Said the president. The foreign ministers of the European Union member states on Thursday called for sanctions to be imposed on Belarus, thus pressuring Lukashenko to call new elections.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel said at a regular summer press conference on Friday that she had tried to speak to Lukashenko by phone, but he refused.

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Putin said the protests by Belarusians are an internal matter of the country.

András Németh

In Russia, a reserve unit has been created from members of the forces of order to help Belarus, announced Russian President Vladimir Putin. In the interview, he described the conditions under which Russian forces would enter the neighboring country, as well as the state of development of vaccines against the Russian coronavirus. However, he did not mention that a week ago they wanted to kill the best known opposition leader, Alexei Navalny, with poison.

The assault police began to disperse the protesters in Minsk.


Previously, several journalists were detained and their phones and documents confiscated. They also protested alongside Lukashenko.