Two senior health officials, including Anthony Fauci, a virologist with the federal government’s anti-coronavirus task force, refuted the earlier statement by US President Donald Trump on Sunday night that the prevalence and mortality related to the epidemic are exaggerated.

Coronavirus: the second wave, the second closure

Later than expected by many, but in mid-November, the Hungarian government also decided to try to curb the second wave of the coronavirus epidemic by introducing restrictions. At the time of the decision, 5,000 new infections had been identified per day and the number of deaths from the virus mostly ranged from 50 to 100 in 24 hours. The first step is a partial closure, but how effective it is is questionable. Follow our news!

Trump wrote that the “Chinese virus” data is exaggerated due to the “ridiculous” statistical methods of the epidemic center, while other countries report “deliberately inaccurate and very low” data. According to official figures, more than 20 million people in the United States have already contracted the new type of coronavirus and almost 350,000 have died from Covid-19.

“All these deaths are real,” Fauci told AB News, adding that it was not “fake news” that hospitals were full to the brim and that health workers had reached the limit of their performance.

Federal Medical Director Jerome Adams also said the data is reliable for CNN broadcast. “From a public health perspective, I have no reason to doubt the authenticity of these numbers. And people should know that this is not just about deaths, it is about saturation of hospitals.”

Both Fauci and Adams said optimistically that while the vaccination data did not meet the government’s intention to vaccinate 20 million people by the end of 2020, more and more people are receiving the vaccine. Since December 14, 4.2 million people in the United States have been vaccinated against Covid-19.

“We wanted to get to 20 million, but it gives hope that 1.2 million people have been vaccinated in the last 72 hours, which means an average of half a million injections a day,” Fauci said, adding that “no we are where we want “. there is no doubt, but the goal is achievable ”, and vaccination capacities can reach a million a day.

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