Terrorists linked to the Islamic State executed four Christians in Sulawesi, Indonesia, one of whom was beheaded.

Christian men were attacked with sabers and firearms by jihadists on Friday morning in a central Indonesian village. In the village of Lemban in Tongoa, in the province of Sulawesi, terrorists linked to the Islamic State (at least ten armed men) have killed four people with particular cruelty. One of the men was beheaded, both had their throats slit, and several of their victims were burned. The perpetrators then set fire to the victims’ houses and demolished a Christian place of worship.

According to a Reuters report, the perpetrators pretended to be beggars, so they approached their victims: they asked for food and those who did not give it were killed immediately.

The killers have fled the village and are currently being pursued by at least a hundred police and soldiers, but the chase can drag on through the difficult mountainous terrain.

According to local authorities, an extremist group called the Mujahideen from eastern Indonesia, who had taken an oath of allegiance to the Islamic State, may be behind the attack.

According to the Indonesian Salvation Army, the victims were followers of their Free Lutheran Church. And the terrorist attack was directed against one of their Christian garrisons and homes. The church condemned the attack and assured relatives of its sympathy.

(Cover illustration).

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