The British government so decided. The city administration complains that it happened without their consent.

Coronavirus: the second wave

Half a year after the spring outbreak of the coronavirus pandemic, the second wave of the pandemic has arrived. The radical increase in the number of infected is forcing more and more countries to re-impose restrictions, despite the fact that the world economy has not even recovered from the effects of the spring outbreak. According to the signs, the second wave also reached Hungary. Follow our news!

The British government, on its own authority, ordered the highest level of coronavirus preparedness in Manchester and the wider area after no agreement was reached with local leadership, Prime Minister Boris Johnson said at a conference of Nightly press in Downing Street on Tuesday.

The highest level of readiness will go into effect on Friday at zero in the North West of England and its vast catchment area.

For the past ten days, there has been a fairly heated debate between the government and Manchester Mayor Andy Burnham about introducing the highest level of epidemic preparedness.

Burnham and several other heads of administration in the area said the government was unwilling to provide adequate financial assistance to the region’s business sector to make up for losses caused by restrictive measures and to support those in need, and therefore not he was willing to increase preparation.

Johnson announced at a press conference on Tuesday that the higher level of preparation that will go into effect by government decree will also shut down pubs, bars and other restaurants in Manchester and surrounding areas that do not have the main profile of serving locally prepared food from Friday. Also, non-heads of households cannot hold gatherings indoors or, with some exceptions, in public places.

Johnson also said the government strongly recommends that no one travel to or from the area affected by the restrictions.

Mayor Andy Burnham described the move as embarrassing, especially as the government offered £ 22 million (£ 8.9 billion) in financial aid instead of the £ 65 million requested by the city. He said,

That is not the way to run a country

The debate between the government and Manchester leaders is the most acute internal political conflict in Britain today. The case even overshadows the also quite heated debate in the British press between London and the European Union over the terms of a future bilateral relationship.

In the new three-stage preparation system recently introduced in England, the medium level is the lowest, followed by the high grade and then the very high, with increasingly strict restrictions.

Liverpool, near Manchester, and its wider area have had very high levels since last week. In London, the level of preparation is medium, that is, high, has been in force since Saturday.

Within Great Britain, the North West and North East of England currently have the highest rates of coronavirus infection.

According to the UK Department of Health, 21,331 new coronavirus infections were tested across the country in the 24 hours ending Tuesday night, and 241 died from the disease. The number of fatalities in Great Britain stands at 43,967.

To date, 27.8 million coronavirus tests have been performed nationwide, of which 762,542 have been positive.

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The new British ambassador forgave him in Hungarian by 6: 3
At home

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Bloomberg: British government is willing to waive the law in violation of the Brexit deal

Brussels has started proceedings on the internal market law, but some argue that introducing it may have been just a negotiating tactic.