In his election year 2016, as well as 2017, U.S. President Donald Trump paid just $ 750-750 in federal income taxes, the U.S. newspaper The New York Times wrote on its website on Sunday. .

The New York Times (NYT) said it also reviewed the tax returns of companies owned by the Trump Organization, which groups Trump’s businesses, as well as Donald Trump’s 2016 and 2017 personal income tax documents, dating back to the 1990s. Based on these, he wrote:

Trump paid just $ 750-750 in personal income taxes in both 2016 and 2017

Referring to the documents in its possession, the NYT also said that Trump had not paid personal income tax in 10 of the 15 years before his presidency because it meant for the tax office that most of his businesses were generating losses . In 2018, for example, according to the newspaper, Trump’s companies reported a loss of $ 47.4 million, while annual financial reports were about $ 434.9 million in revenue.

Following his election as president, Trump entrusted the management of his eldest son and Allen Weisselberg, chief financial officer of the Trump Organization, which unites the companies.

At a press conference at the White House on Sunday night, the US president denied and described the liberal newspaper’s accusations as “completely false news.”

I actually paid (personal income tax) and you will see it soon when my tax returns are ready to be processed. “

He explained. However, when asked by reporters how much taxes he paid, Trump did not give a specific answer. “I paid a lot and also paid a lot of state taxes,” he said, adding that “New York state pays a lot of taxes.”

Donald Trump rejected not only the claims of the New York Times article, but also the Trump Organization. Alan Garten, the corporate empire’s top legal adviser, said in a statement to the newspaper that “the vast majority, if not all, of the allegations made are inaccurate.” He then noted that Donald Trump “has paid tens of millions of dollars in personal income taxes over the past decade, including the millions of dollars in personal income taxes that he has paid since his presidential nomination in 2015. ”.

According to The New York Times, “most” of Trump’s businesses, including his entire range of golf courses and hotels, generate losses. According to the newspaper, the president “loses millions every year, less tens of millions.”

The newspaper also claimed that Trump’s businesses received money from “lobbyists, foreign officials and others who wanted to enter or obtain a favor from President Trump.”

The subject of tax returns was one of the most important campaign topics in the campaign before Trump’s election as president, since, unlike his predecessors, he did not disclose these documents. Notwithstanding that later several courts ordered it.

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