Regarding the easing of precautions related to the coronavirus epidemic, hospital-related precautions should also be gradually eased, Health Minister Rudolf Anschober said Friday at a press conference in Vienna.

coronavirus pandemic

There are already two million people living with the coronavirus in the world, more than one hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact is invaluable. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay tuned, read our series of articles.

Protecting the health system is “a priority”, so the step-by-step opening of hospitals must be carried out “regionally differentiated,” Anschober said. The health minister recalled that on March 12, a proposal was made to postpone the planned surgeries so that the institutions could receive more patients with coronavirus. He stressed that it was an “important and correct decision” as it released significant capacity in hospitals. At the same time, care must be taken to ensure that hospitals continue to have sufficient available capacity, he noted.

Michael Binder, Medical Director (KAV) of the Vienna Hospital Association, who is also a member of the advisory staff of the Coronavirus Task Force, reported that each institution is developing a plan on how they can return to “normal” operation. And I add:

This means, among other things, that in addition to acute surgeries, previously planned surgeries must be performed again in hospitals.

However, he emphasized that care must be taken to ensure that patients do not bring the coronavirus into the hospital building, so the patient was only able to enter the room after his coronavirus test was negative. He also spoke of the fact that emergencies are an exception; they do not have to wait for the coronavirus test result, although they may also have to wait longer than before.

According to Herwig Ostermann, director of the Austrian Institute for Health Research (Gesundheit Österreich GmbH), the positive trend will continue: in the next period, the number of infected people will increase by one hundred per day; and by the end of April, approximately half a thousand will need hospital treatment.

In Austria, 14,566 people so far have tested positive for coronavirus; 114 new cases have been diagnosed in the last 24 hours. The number of healers has increased from 8,986 to 9,704 (718 people) since Thursday; and the death toll increased from 410 to 431.

At the same time, the number of people needing hospital treatment is constantly decreasing; There have been 58 fewer since yesterday and 11 patients have been discharged from the intensive care unit.

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This is stated in a new study. If this is true, it is also bad news for Orbán, as the Prime Minister has previously spoken about monitoring the neighboring country with a separate group, because he wonders what went in and what didn’t.


It is sprayed with disinfectant in public places.
