In Austria, all events are banned from Tuesday, theaters, museums and hotels are closed, and restaurants can only receive deliveries.

A nightly curfew will apply in Austria, and between 20:00 and 18:00, Austrians will only be able to leave their homes in certain cases, such as going to work, playing sports or walking a dog, the chancellor announced. Sebastian Kurz. With the exception of professional sports, all events are prohibited, theaters, museums, swimming pools, gyms and hotels are closed, and restaurants can only receive deliveries. 80 percent of the losses are reimbursed by the state. Personal meetings can take place between up to two members of the household.

Schools and kindergartens may still be open, but upper secondary and upper secondary students are transitioning to digital education.
Stores can be open without restrictions, and personal service providers (hairdressers, beauticians) can also continue their work. However, only one guest can reach 10 square meters.

Kurz justified the tightening with an explosive increase in cases. He noted that the measures could be relaxed in December. In Austria, the coronavirus has 104,925 infections and 1,109 deaths.

Greece announced a general overnight curfew on Saturday to curb the spread of the coronavirus epidemic. Prime Minister Kiriakos Micotakis said the new measures target two main areas responsible for the rise in infections, the entertainment and transportation industry. The curfew will go into effect on Tuesday and will go into effect from midnight to 5 pm On the same day, it will be mandatory to wear the mask across the country. Restaurants and entertainment venues in heavily infested areas should be closed, and cultural and sporting events should not be held. Universities are moving towards a digital curriculum and the government is working to allow 50 percent of its workers to work from home. The restrictions remain in effect for at least one month. In Greece, the number of infected increased by 1,690 on Friday. There are 37,196 infected and 620 fatalities from the coronavirus in the country.

Meanwhile, the number of new cases per day also set a record in the United States, Germany, Poland, and Belgium.
In the United States, it was announced on Friday that there were 100,233 new infections in 24 hours, a world record. The high number of cases means that more than one new infection is reported per second in the United States.

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