Starting Monday, several smaller stores, car dealerships or bookstores will open in the country.

coronavirus pandemic

There are already two million people living with the coronavirus in the world, more than one hundred thousand have lost their lives to the disease and the economic impact is invaluable. We try to inform our readers about everything, stay tuned, read our series of articles.

Gradual easing of restrictions imposed to curb the coronavirus epidemic in Germany will begin on April 20, the federal government has agreed with provincial governments.

On Monday, retail stores less than 800 square feet may open if their operators make sure there is no congestion at the store and queues at the entrances. Regardless of size, car dealers, bike shops, and bookstores can open.

However, the basic rule of social distance continues, according to which everyone can stay with no more than one other person outside their home, or with those with whom they live in a common home, and must stay at least one meter and half distance from others.

Schools will be able to operate again as of May 4 at least, but at the moment they will only be able to continue teaching in the graduating grades, and a massive event will not take place until at least August 31.

After the meeting, Chancellor Angela Merkel said the restrictions should be relaxed with extreme caution because the epidemiological situation is very fragile and the danger will not be alleviated until the vaccine is developed.

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The coronavirus is the greatest crisis of our time, in which it is literally vital to discover it from an authentic source. At HVG, we are committed to this mission even in this situation: to provide accurate, objective and independent information to our readers.

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The coronavirus epidemic continues to spread relatively slowly in Germany, according to the number of confirmed infections, and official data on Sunday shows that the number of people infected has already exceeded that of people who still carry the virus.


So far, 127,000 are known to be infected with the coronavirus, while the number of people cured has already exceeded 72,000.
