Ludovic Orban will be the Speaker of the House of Representatives.

The Hungarian Democratic Alliance of Romania (DAHR), headed by Florin Citu, nominated by the National Liberal Party (PNL), will now receive a deputy prime minister and two other ministerial posts in the now emerging center-right government. The leaders of the Romanian parties preparing for the coalition managed to agree on Friday the distribution of key positions in government and parliament.

[A nyílt magyarellenesség csak kapudrog lehet az új román parlamentben]

PNL President Ludovic Orban will be the Speaker of the House of Representatives after USR-PLUS, which merged with Save Romania Alliance (USR) and Freedom Unity and Solidarity Party (PLUS), surrendered the position he had previously claimed in exchange for a stronger government presence.

USR-PLUS appoints the other Deputy Prime Minister and President of the Senate. The NLP will have 9 members, the USR-PLUS 6 members and the DAHR 3 members.

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