Nikolai Antoskin led the helicopter extinction operation of the exploded block of the nuclear power plant.

Coronavirus – the second year

More than a year has passed since the Chinese authorities informed the WHO about the emergence of a new, rapidly spreading virus. Since then, there has hardly been a person in the world who has not heard the term Covid-19, and more and more people are mourning a family member or friend with whom the new disease ended as stocks collapsed in weeks and our entire lives. they were rewritten by the epidemic. By now, the vaccines have been completed, which in turn raises not only hope, but again many questions, while not only stopping the virus, but also threatening another mutation. You can find the details of this fight in our series of articles.

Nikolai Timofeyevich Antoskin, a soldier who was the commander of an air operation that shut down a burning reactor after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant disaster, has died at the age of seventy-eight, writes The New York Times.

Antoskin was a member of the ruling Russian party, United Russia, and, according to a statement from the Russian parliament, “died after a serious illness.” Sergei Nevrov, the party’s faction leader, said the general had previously been hospitalized for Covid-19.

Antoskin was the leader of a group of supposed liquidators, who were the soldiers and civilian workers who were ordered to block 4 of the nuclear power plant after the Chernobyl disaster of April 26, 1986, to put out the fire and clean the ruins . His job was to achieve: release the least amount of radiation possible.

The equipment had to be deployed because firefighters who began work at the site after the reactor explosion suffered a severe radiation infection. Then the work continued from the air, from helicopters. Antoskin, who was serving in the Soviet Air Force in Kiev at the time, became the commander of this operation and flew himself. Under their control, 5,000 tons of sand, clay and boron were sprayed from the machines into the core of the reactor, which had exploded in the explosion, in about two weeks, to suppress the radiation coming out of it, while they themselves were exposed to it and harmful gases released.

Antoskin was involved in the Air Force in various wars, but earned the highest recognition, the Soviet Union medal, for his actions at Chernobyl.

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He looked around at one of the best performing robots in Chernobyl

The robot dog, named Spot, was brought in by scientists for scientific purposes: it measured the level of radiation in the area.

The special mushrooms brought from Chernobyl are also good for lightning shields.

On the International Space Station (ISS), Chernobyl radiation is being experimented with with surviving molds. The work recently concluded with eloquent results.