Ilham Aliyev announced on his tour that Nagorno-Karabakh will not have an autonomous status.

Azerbaijani President Ilham Aliyev and his wife, Vice President Mehriban Aliyeva, on Tuesday embarked on a victory tour in the occupied Nagorno-Karabakh territories of disputed affiliation, according to photos and videos released by the office of the chief of state.

Aliyev, dressed in a military uniform, announced in one of those tapes that he would bring the “Armenians responsible for the devastation in the area” before international courts.


“We have returned to our country,” said the President of Azerbaijan, sitting behind the wheel of an armored vehicle. He said: Nagorno-Karabakh will not have an autonomous status. “Azerbaijan is a unified country,” so there is no special status for the region, Aliyev said during his visit to the busy city of Fuzuli. He added that the Armenian population will be able to live in the new conditions.

Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pasinyan, Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin and President Aliyev agreed on November 10 to end the new fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh on September 27. As part of the agreement, the parties to the conflict will exchange the bodies of soldiers killed in the fighting, and Yerevan must return Azerbaijan to several regions it occupies, with the exception of the corridor that connects Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh.

The Armenian troops withdrawing from these areas will be replaced by a contingent of approximately 2,000 Russian peacekeepers along the demarcation line and corridor.

Aliyev celebrated the deal as his opponent’s capitulation last week. In a video conference on Pasinyan on Monday, he believed that the Armenian armed forces had been defeated in Nagorno-Karabakh because they had to fight not only against the Azerbaijani army but also against the Turkish air force and mercenaries from the Middle East. The Armenian prime minister, under great internal political pressure, has declared that he has no intention of resigning due to the military defeat.

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According to Moscow, the refugees are already returning to Nagorno-Karabakh.


Nineteen buses carrying returning refugees were escorted by Russian troops along the Lacsin corridor connecting Armenia with Nagorno-Karabakh, the Russian Defense Ministry said on Sunday.

Azerbaijan wins Karabakh war, Armenians fear a confrontation

András Németh

The Armenians were heavily defeated in the month and a half of the Karabakh war: they lost control of the zone inhabited by Armenians declared in 1994 in Azerbaijan. Besides Azerbaijan, Russia and Turkey are also among the winners.